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Université de Fribourg

(Re)découvrir la communication dans la relation familles-école

Cettou, Loana ; Ogay, Tania

In: Colloque RIFreQ

La relation entre les familles et l’école est reconnue comme étant importante pour le succès scolaire des élèves, elle est donc l’objet de beaucoup d’attention par les chercheurs en sciences de l’éducation. Cette relation est souvent approchée par la recherche sous l’angle des caractéristiques des familles et, dans une moindre mesure, des acteurs de l’école, faisant que cette...

Université de Fribourg

Mixed’ Shrines in the Late Byzantine Period

Bacci, Michele

In: Archaeologia Abrahamica. Studies in Archaeology and Artistic Tradition of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, 2009, p. 433-444

On a number of late Medieval holy sites in the Eastern Mediterranean which were simultaneously visited and worshipped by different religious groups, such as Muslims and Christians, or Latins and Greeks. It includes informations about shrines in Anatolia and Cyprus, especially the tomb of Saint Catherine and the Madonna della Cava in Famagusta, and the church of the Holy Virgin at Hagia Napa.

Université de Fribourg

Classifying and measuring geometry of a quantum ground state manifold

Kolodrubetz, Michael ; Gritsev, Vladimir ; Polkovnikov, Anatoli

In: Physical Review B, 2013, vol. 88, no. 6, p. 064304

From the Aharonov-Bohm effect to general relativity, geometry plays a central role in modern physics. In quantum mechanics, many physical processes depend on the Berry curvature. However, recent advances in quantum information theory have highlighted the role of its symmetric counterpart, the quantum metric tensor. In this paper, we perform a detailed analysis of the ground state Riemannian...