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Consortium of Swiss Academic Libraries

Completing Lorentz violating massive gravity at high energies

Blas, D. ; Sibiryakov, S.

In: Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, 2015, vol. 120, no. 3, p. 509-524

Consortium of Swiss Academic Libraries

Massive rotator cuff tears: definition and treatment

Lädermann, Alexandre ; Denard, Patrick ; Collin, Philippe

In: International Orthopaedics, 2015, vol. 39, no. 12, p. 2403-2414

Università della Svizzera italiana

Policy evaluation: labour market liberalization, unemployment and second home construction : Evidence from Switzerland

Stricker, Luzius ; Maggi, Rico (Dir.)

Thèse de doctorat : Università della Svizzera italiana, 2020 ; 2020ECO010.

This thesis is composed of three different chapters focusing on labour market policies, unemployment and the construction industry. The analyses aim to contribute to the microeconomic theory, proving three different concepts of externally caused variations, affecting both, the labour market equilibrium and the production function. In detail, the first part analyses the employment effects of...

Université de Fribourg

Cambodian Labour in Chinese-Owned Enterprises in Sihanoukville : An Insight into the Living and Working Conditions of Cambodian Labourers in the Construction, Casino and Manufacturing Sectors

Buckley, Joe ; Eckerlein, Christian

In:, 2020, vol. 2, no. 2, p. Forum: 2.2

China is by far Cambodia’s largest foreign investor. These investments are said to have had a huge impact on Cambodia’s economic, political, cultural, and physical landscape. Sihanoukville, Cambodia’s largest coastal city, has seen particularly massive inflows of Chinese investment, especially in the casino, construction and manufacturing sectors. Based on semi-structured interviews, this...

Haute Ecole d'Ingénierie

MOOLs : Massive Open Online Laboratories

Moniquet, Thomas ; Moghaddam. Fariba (Dir.)

Mémoire de bachelor : Haute Ecole d'Ingénierie, 2018.

Ce projet propose d’étendre le principe de MOOCs aux travaux pratiques. Une infrastructure matérielle et informatique doit être développée afin de permettre aux étudiants de piloter différentes expérimentations à l’aide d’une page Web. Les laboratoires représentent une ressource académique importante puisqu’ils fournissent une formation pratique en plus des cours...

Université de Fribourg

The influence of ant-attendance on aphid behaviour investigated with the electrical penetration graph technique

Rauch, Gisep ; Simon, Jean-Christophe ; Chaubet, Bernard ; Haack, Lucie ; Flatt, Thomas ; Weisser, Wolfgang W.

In: Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata, 2002, no. 102, p. 13-20

For themutualistic interaction between the aphidMetopeurum fuscoviride Stroyan (Homoptera:Aphididae) and the ant Lasius niger L. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) it has been shown that ant-tended aphids develop faster, reproduce at a higher rate, and live longer than aphids not tended by ants. We used electrical penetration graphs (EPG) to investigate if behavioural patterns differ between...

Université de Fribourg

The effects of mutualistic ants on aphid life history traits

Flatt, Thomas ; Weisser, Wolfgang W.

In: Ecology, 2000, vol. 81, no. 12, p. 3522-3529

The relationship between homopterans and ants is generally thought to be mutualistic, as both partners seem to benefit from an association. In aphids, previous studies have shown that ant tending improves the survival and reproduction of aphid colonies, mainly by protection of aphids from enemy attack. However, the effects of ant tending on the fitness of individual aphids have rarely been...

Consortium of Swiss Academic Libraries

From massive gravity to modified general relativity

Scharf, Günter

In: General Relativity and Gravitation, 2010, vol. 42, no. 3, p. 471-487