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Université de Fribourg

Ligand electronic parameters as a measure of the polarization of the C≡O bond in [M(CO)(x)L(y)]n complexes and of the relative stabilization of [M(CO)(x)L(y)](n/n+1) species

Zobi, Fabio

In: Inorganic Chemistry, 2010, vol. 49, no. 22, p. 10370-10377

The electronic description of octahedral (fac-[M(CO)(3)L(3)](n), with M = Re, Ru, and Mn, and [Cr(CO)(5)L](n)), square-planar (cis-[Pt(CO)(2)L(2)](n)), and tetrahedral ([Ni(CO)(3)L](n)) carbonyl complexes (where L = monodentate ligand) was obtained via density functional theory and natural population analyses in order to understand what effects are probed in these species by vibrational...

Université de Fribourg

Insights into the mechanism of photosynthetic H 2 evolution catalyzed by a heptacoordinate cobalt complex

Lucarini, Fiorella ; Fize, Jennifer ; Morozan, Adina ; Marazzi, Marco ; Natali, Mirco ; Pastore, Mariachiara ; Artero, Vincent ; Ruggi, Albert

In: Sustainable Energy & Fuels, 2020, vol. 4, no. 2, p. 589–599

H2 evolution catalyzed by a heptacoordinate complex under both electro- (1) and photo-chemical (2) conditions is analyzed in detail in order to gain insights into the mechanism of the processes. The complex shows high catalytic activity for hydrogen production in acetonitrile, in the presence of trifluoroacetic acid and triethylammonium tetrafluoroborate as proton sources. Foot-of-the-wave...

Université de Fribourg

From zero to six double bonds: phospholipid unsaturation and organelle function

Antonny, Bruno ; Vanni, Stefano ; Shindou, Hideo ; Thierry, Ferreira

In: Trends in Cell Biology, 2015, vol. 25, no. 7, p. 427–436

Cellular phospholipids (PLs) differ by the nature of their polar heads as well as by the length and unsaturation level of their fatty acyl chains. We discuss how the ratio between saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated PLs impacts on the functions of such organelles as the endoplasmic reticulum, synaptic vesicles, and photoreceptor discs. Recent experiments and simulations suggest...

Université de Fribourg

Coupling of electronic and nuclear motion in a negative ion resonance: Experimental and theoretical study of benzene

Allan, Michael ; Čurík, Roman ; Čársky, Petr

In: The Journal of Chemical Physics, 2019, vol. 151, no. 6, p. 064119

We present calculated and measured elastic and vibrational excitation cross sections in benzene with the objective to assess the reliability of the theoretical method and to shed more light on how the electronic motion of the incoming electron is coupled with the nuclear motion of the vibrations. The calculation employed the discrete momentum representation method which involves solving the...

Université de Fribourg

Conformational proofreading of distant 40S ribosomal subunit maturation events by a long-range communication mechanism

Mitterer, Valentin ; Shayan, Ramtin ; Ferreira-Cerca, Sébastien ; Murat, Guillaume ; Enne, Tanja ; Rinaldi, Dana ; Weigl, Sarah ; Omanic, Hajrija ; Gleizes, Pierre-Emmanuel ; Kressler, Dieter ; Plisson-Chastang, Celia ; Pertschy, Brigitte

In: Nature Communications, 2019, vol. 10, no. 1, p. 2754

Eukaryotic ribosomes are synthesized in a hierarchical process driven by a plethora of assembly factors, but how maturation events at physically distant sites on pre- ribosomes are coordinated is poorly understood. Using functional analyses and cryo- EM, we show that ribosomal protein Rps20 orchestrates communication between two multi-step maturation events across the pre-40S subunit. Our...

Consortium of Swiss Academic Libraries

Explaining the heat capacity of wood constituents by molecular vibrations

Thybring, Emil

In: Journal of Materials Science, 2014, vol. 49, no. 3, p. 1317-1327