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Consortium of Swiss Academic Libraries

Electronic Structure and Properties of Superconducting Materials with Simple Fermi Surfaces

Jarlborg, T.

In: Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, 2015, vol. 28, no. 4, p. 1231-1236

Université de Fribourg

Probing the interplay between lattice dynamics and short-range magnetic correlations in CuGeO3 with femtosecond RIXS

Paris, E. ; Nicholson, Christopher W. ; Johnston, S. ; Tseng, Y. ; Rumo, Maxime ; Coslovich, G. ; Zohar, S. ; Lin, M. F. ; Strocov, V. N. ; Saint-Martin, R. ; Revcolevschi, A. ; Kemper, A. ; Schlotter, W. ; Dakovski, G. L. ; Monney, Claude ; Schmitt, T.

In: npj Quantum Materials, 2021, vol. 6, no. 1, p. 51

Investigations of magnetically ordered phases on the femtosecond timescale have provided significant insights into the influence of charge and lattice degrees of freedom on the magnetic sub-system. However, short-range magnetic correlations occurring in the absence of long-range order, for example in spin-frustrated systems, are inaccessible to many ultrafast techniques. Here, we show how...

Université de Fribourg

Total Angular Momentum Dichroism of the Terahertz Vortex Beams at the Antiferromagnetic Resonances

Sirenko, Andrei A. ; Marsik, Premysl ; Bugnon, Laurent ; Soulier, Mathias ; Bernhard, Christian ; Stanislavchuk, T. N. ; Xu, Xianghan ; Cheong, S.-W.

In: Physical Review Letters, 2021, vol. 126, no. 15, p. 157401

Terahertz vortex beams with different superposition of the orbital angular momentum $l={\pm}1$, ${\pm}2$, ${\pm}3$, and ${\pm}4$ and spin angular momentum ${\sigma}={\pm}1$ were used to study antiferromagnetic (AFM) resonances in TbFe$_3$(BO$_3$)$_4$ and Ni$_3$TeO$_6$ single crystals. In both materials we observed a strong vortex beam dichroism for the AFM resonances that are split in ...

Université de Fribourg

Muon spin rotation and infrared spectroscopy study of Ba$_{1-x}$Na$_{x}$Fe$_{2}$As$_{2}$

Sheveleva, Evgeniia ; Xu, Bing ; Marsik, Premysl ; Lyzwa, Fryderyk ; Mallett, Benjamin P. P. ; Willa, K. ; Meingast, C. ; Wolf, Th. ; Shevtsova, T. ; Pashkevich, Yu. G. ; Bernhard, Christian

In: Physical Review B, 2020, vol. 101, no. 22, p. 224515

The magnetic and superconducting properties of a series of underdoped Ba 1 − x Na x Fe 2 As 2 (BNFA) single crystals with 0.19 ≤ x ≤ 0.34 have been investigated with the complementary muon-spin-rotation ( μ SR ) and infrared spectroscopy techniques. The focus has been on the different antiferromagnetic states in the underdoped regime and their competition with superconductivity,...

Université de Fribourg

${\eta}$-paired superconducting hidden phase in photodoped Mott insulators

Li, Jiajun ; Golez, Denis ; Werner, Philipp ; Eckstein, Martin

In: Physical Review B, 2020, vol. 102, no. 16, p. 165136

We show that a metastable η-pairing superconducting phase can be induced by photodoping doublons and holes into a strongly repulsive fermionic Hubbard model. The doublon-hole condensate originates from an intrinsic doublon-hole exchange interaction and does not rely on the symmetry of the half-filled Hubbard model. It extends over a wide range of doublon densities and effective temperatures....

Université de Fribourg

Superconducting and antiferromagnetic properties of dual-phase V3Ga

Jamer, Michelle E. ; Wilfong, Brandon ; Buchelnikov, Vasiliy D. ; Sokolovskiy, Vladimir V. ; Miroshkina, Olga N. ; Zagrebin, Mikhail A. ; Baigutlin, Danil R. ; Naphy, Jared ; Assaf, Badih A. ; Lewis, Laura H. ; Pulkkinen, Aki ; Barbiellini, Bernardo ; Bansil, Arun ; Heiman, Don

In: Applied Physics Letters, 2020, vol. 117, no. 6, p. 062401

The binary compound V3Ga can exhibit two near-equilibrium phases, the A15 structure that is superconducting and the Heusler D03 structure that is semiconducting and antiferromagnetic. Density functional theory calculations show that these two phases are nearly degenerate, being separated in energy by only ±10 meV/atom. Our magnetization measurements on bulk-grown samples show ...

Université de Fribourg

Superconducting optical response of photodoped Mott insulators

Li, J. ; Golez, D. ; Werner, Philipp ; Eckstein, M.

In: Modern Physics Letters B, 2020, vol. 34, no. 19n20, p. 2040054

Ultrafast laser pulses can redistribute charges in Mott insulators on extremely short time scales, leading to the fast generation of photocarriers. It has recently been demonstrated that these photocarriers can form a novel η-paired condensate at low temperatures, featuring a staggered superconducting pairing field. In this conference paper, we discuss the origin of the η-paired hidden...

Université de Fribourg

Superconductivity-induced transverse plasma mode and phonon anomaly in the $c$-axis response of the bilayer compound ${\mathrm{RbCa}}_{2}{\mathrm{Fe}}_{4}{\mathrm{As}}_{4}{\mathrm{F}}_{2}$

Xu, Bing ; Munzar, Dominik ; Dubroka, Adam ; Sheveleva, Evgeniia ; Lyzwa, Fryderyk ; Maršík, Premysl ; Wang, C. N. ; Wang, Z. C. ; Cao, G. H. ; Bernhard, Christian

In: Physical Review B, 2020, vol. 101, no. 21, p. 214512

We studied the infrared response of polycrystalline samples of the iron arsenide superconductor (Rb,Cs)Ca2Fe4As4F2 (Rb,Cs-12442), which has a bilayer structure similar to the high-Tc cuprates YBa2Cu3O7 (YBCO) and Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8. The c-axis reflectivity spectra Rc have been derived from the reflectivity spectra of the polycrystalline samples Rpoly and the in-plane spectrum of a corresponding...

Université de Fribourg

Electron–phonon-driven three-dimensional metallicity in an insulating cuprate

Baldini, Edoardo ; Sentef, Michael A. ; Acharya, Swagata ; Brumme, Thomas ; Sheveleva, Evgeniia ; Lyzwa, Fryderyk ; Pomjakushina, Ekaterina ; Bernhard, Christian ; van Schilfgaarde, Mark ; Carbone, Fabrizio ; Rubio, Angel ; Weber, Cédric

In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2020, vol. 117, no. 12, p. 6409-6416

The role of the crystal lattice for the electronic properties of cuprates and other high-temperature superconductors remains controversial despite decades of theoretical and experimental efforts. While the paradigm of strong electronic correlations suggests a purely electronic mechanism behind the insulator-to-metal transition, recently the mutual enhancement of the electron–electron and the...