Université de Fribourg

Geomorphic response to the lateglacial–holocene transition in high alpine regions (Sanetsch pass, Swiss alps)

Serra, Elena ; Valla, Pierre G. ; Gribenski, Natacha ; Guedes Magrani, Fabio ; Carcaillet, Julien ; Delaloye, Reynald ; Grobéty, Bernard ; Braillard, Luc

In: Boreas, 2020, p. bor.12480

Several palaeoclimatic archives have documented the pronounced climatic and environmental change associated with the Lateglacial–Holocene transition in the European Alps. However, the geomorphic response to this major environmental transition has only been punctually investigated. In this study, we propose a detailed reconstruction of post‐Last Glacial Maximum palaeoenvironmental...