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Université de Fribourg

Tunable 2D binary colloidal alloys for soft nanotemplating

Fernández-Rodríguez, Miguel Ángel ; Elnathan, Roey ; Ditcovski, Ran ; Grillo, Fabio ; Conley, Gaurasundar Marc ; Timpu, Flavia ; Rauh, Astrid ; Geisel, Karen ; Ellenbogen, Tal ; Grange, Rachel ; Scheffold, Frank ; Karg, Matthias ; Richtering, Walter ; Voelcker, Nicolas H. ; Isa, Lucio

In: Nanoscale, 2018, vol. 10, no. 47, p. 22189–22195

The realization of non-close-packed nanoscale patterns with multiple feature sizes and length scales via colloidal self-assembly is a highly challenging task. We demonstrate here the creation of a variety of tunable particle arrays by harnessing the sequential self-assembly and deposition of two differently sized microgel particles at the fluid–fluid interface. The two-step process is...

Consortium of Swiss Academic Libraries

Thermodynamics of adiabatically loaded cold bosons in the Mott insulating phase of one-dimensional optical lattices

Schmidt, K. P. ; Reischl, A. ; Uhrig, G. S.

In: The European Physical Journal D - Atomic, Molecular, Optical and Plasma Physics, 2006, vol. 38, no. 2, p. 343-352

Consortium of Swiss Academic Libraries

A case study of a "Dragon-King”: The 1999 Venezuelan catastrophe

Süveges, M. ; Davison, A.

In: The European Physical Journal Special Topics, 2012, vol. 205, no. 1, p. 131-146

Consortium of Swiss Academic Libraries

Deposition Processes with Hardcore Behaviour

Mountford, Thomas ; Sudbury, Aidan

In: Journal of Statistical Physics, 2012, vol. 146, no. 4, p. 687-700

Consortium of Swiss Academic Libraries

Geostatistics of Dependent and Asymptotically Independent Extremes

Davison, A. ; Huser, R. ; Thibaud, E.

In: Mathematical Geosciences, 2013, vol. 45, no. 5, p. 511-529