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Université de Fribourg

The woody planet : from past triumph to manmade decline

Fazan, Laurence ; Song, Yi-Gang ; Kozlowski, Gregor

In: Plants, 2020, vol. 9, no. 11, p. 1593

Woodiness evolved in land plants approximately 400 Mya, and very soon after this evolutionary invention, enormous terrestrial surfaces on Earth were covered by dense and luxurious forests. Forests store close to 80% of the biosphere’s biomass, and more than 60% of the global biomass is made of wood (trunks, branches and roots). Among the total number of ca. 374,000 plant species worldwide,...

Université de Fribourg

Phylogeny, taxonomy, and biogeography of Pterocarya (Juglandaceae)

Song, Yi-Gang ; Li, Ying ; Meng, Hong-Hu ; Fragnière, Yann ; Ge, Bin-Jie ; Sakio, Hitoshi ; Yousefzadeh, Hamed ; Bétrisey, Sébastien ; Kozlowski, Gregor

In: Plants, 2020, vol. 9, no. 11, p. 1524

Relict species play an important role in understanding the biogeography of intercontinental disjunctions. Pterocarya (a relict genus) is the valuable model taxon for studying the biogeography of East Asian versus southern European/West Asian disjunct patterns. This disjunction has not been as well studied as others (e.g., between Eastern Asia and North America). Several phylogenetic studies...

Université de Fribourg

Climate change and alpine screes: no future for glacial relict papaver occidentale (papaveraceae) in western prealps

Fragnière, Yann ; Pittet, Loïc ; Clément, Benoît ; Bétrisey, Sébastien ; Gerber, Emanuel ; Ronikier, Michał ; Parisod, Christian ; Kozlowski, Gregor

In: Diversity, 2020, vol. 12, no. 9, p. 346

Glacial relicts, especially those with very narrow habitat requirements, are particularly affected by global warming. We considered Papaver occidentale, a glacial relict endemic to the Western Prealps, belonging to the alpine poppy complex (P. alpinum aggr.), as a model taxon to study the actual status and potential future distribution of species restricted to particular microrefugia. For...