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Université de Fribourg

Geomorphic response to the lateglacial–holocene transition in high alpine regions (Sanetsch pass, Swiss alps)

Serra, Elena ; Valla, Pierre G. ; Gribenski, Natacha ; Guedes Magrani, Fabio ; Carcaillet, Julien ; Delaloye, Reynald ; Grobéty, Bernard ; Braillard, Luc

In: Boreas, 2020, p. bor.12480

Several palaeoclimatic archives have documented the pronounced climatic and environmental change associated with the Lateglacial–Holocene transition in the European Alps. However, the geomorphic response to this major environmental transition has only been punctually investigated. In this study, we propose a detailed reconstruction of post‐Last Glacial Maximum palaeoenvironmental...

Université de Fribourg

Partitioning the uncertainty of ensemble projections of global glacier mass change

Marzeion, Ben ; Hock, Regine ; Anderson, Brian ; Bliss, Andrew ; Champollion, Nicolas ; Fujita, Koji ; Huss, Matthias ; Immerzeel, Walter W. ; Kraaijenbrink, Philip ; Malles, Jan‐Hendrik ; Maussion, Fabien ; Radić, Valentina ; Rounce, David R. ; Sakai, Akiko ; Shannon, Sarah ; Wal, Roderik ; Zekollari, Harry

In: Earth’s Future, 2020, vol. 8, no. 7, p. -

Glacier mass loss is recognized as a major contributor to current sea level rise. However, large uncertainties remain in projections of glacier mass loss on global and regional scales. We present an ensemble of 288 glacier mass and area change projections for the 21st century based on 11 glacier models using up to 10 general circulation models and four Representative Concentration Pathways...

Université de Fribourg

The impact of climate change and glacier mass loss on the hydrology in the Mont-Blanc massif

Laurent, Léa ; Buoncristiani, Jean‑François ; Pohl, Benjamin ; Zekollari, Harry ; Farinotti, Daniel ; Huss, Matthias ; Mugnier, Jean‑Louis ; Pergaud, Julien

In: Scientific Reports, 2020, vol. 10, no. 1, p. 10420

The Mont-Blanc massif, being iconic with its large glaciers and peaks of over 4,000 m, will experience a sharp increase in summer temperatures during the twenty-first century. By 2100, the impact of climate change on the cryosphere and hydrosphere in the Alps is expected to lead to a decrease in annual river discharge. In this work, we modelled the twenty-first century evolution of runoff in...

Université de Fribourg

Seismic monitoring in the Gugla rock glacier (Switzerland): ambient noise correlation, microseismicity and modelling

Guillemot, Antoine ; Helmstetter, Agnès ; Larose, Éric ; Baillet, Laurent ; Garambois, Stéphane ; Mayoraz, Raphaël ; Delaloye, Reynald

In: Geophysical Journal International, 2020, vol. 221, no. 3, p. 1719–1735

A network of seismometers has been installed on the Gugla rock glacier since October 2015 to estimate seismic velocity changes and detect microseismicity. These two processes are related to mechanical and structural variations occurring within the rock glacier. Seismic monitoring thus allows a better understanding of the dynamics of rock glaciers throughout the year. We observed seasonal...

Université de Fribourg

Estimating glacier-bed overdeepenings as possible sites of future lakes in the de-glaciating Mont Blanc massif (Western European Alps)

Magnin, F. ; Haeberli, W. ; Linsbauer, Andreas ; Deline, P. ; Ravanel, L.

In: Geomorphology, 2020, vol. 350, p. 106913

De-glaciating high mountain areas result in new landscapes of bedrock and debris where permafrost can degrade, persist or even newly form in cases, and of new lakes in glacier bed overdeepenings (GBOs) becoming ice-free. These landscapes with new lakes in close neighborhood to over-steepened and perennially frozen slopes are prone to chain reaction processes (e.g. rock-ice avalanches into...

Université de Fribourg

Algal growth and weathering crust state drive variability in western Greenland Ice Sheet ice albedo

Tedstone, Andrew J. ; Cook, Joseph M. ; Williamson, Christopher J. ; Hofer, Stefan ; McCutcheon, Jenine ; Irvine-Fynn, Tristram ; Gribbin, Thomas ; Tranter, Martyn

In: The Cryosphere, 2020, vol. 14, no. 2, p. 521–538

One of the primary controls upon the melting of the Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS) is albedo, a measure of how much solar radiation that hits a surface is reflected without being absorbed. Lower-albedo snow and ice surfaces therefore warm more quickly. There is a major difference in the albedo of snow-covered versus bare-ice surfaces, but observations also show that there is substantial spatio-...

Université de Fribourg

On the imbalance and response time of glaciers in the european alps

Zekollari, Harry ; Huss, Matthias ; Farinotti, Daniel

In: Geophysical Research Letters, 2020, vol. 47, no. 2, p. e2019GL085578

Glaciers in the European Alps rapidly lose mass to adapt to changes in climate conditions. Here, we investigate the relationship and lag between climate forcing and geometric glacier response with a regional glacier evolution model accounting for ice dynamics. The volume loss occurring as a result of the glacier‐climate imbalance increased over the early 21st century, from about 35% in...

Université de Fribourg

Brief communication: Ad hoc estimation of glacier contributions to sea-level rise from the latest glaciological observations

Zemp, Michael ; Huss, Matthias ; Eckert, Nicolas ; Thibert, Emmanuel ; Paul, Frank ; Nussbaumer, Samuel U. ; Gärtner-Roer, Isabelle

In: The Cryosphere, 2020, vol. 14, no. 3, p. 1043–1050

Comprehensive assessments of global glacier mass changes based on a variety of observations and prevailing methodologies have been published at multi-annual intervals. For the years in between, the glaciological method provides annual observations of specific mass changes but is suspected to not be representative at the regional to global scales due to uneven glacier distribution with...

Université de Fribourg

Petrophysical joint inversion applied to alpine permafrost field sites to image subsurface ice, water, air, and rock contents

Mollaret, Coline ; Wagner, Florian M. ; Hilbich, Christin ; Scapozza, Cristian ; Hauck, Christian

In: Frontiers in Earth Sc-ience, 2020, vol. 8, p. -

Quantification of ground ice is crucial for understanding permafrost systems and modeling their ongoing degradation. The volumetric ice content is however rarely estimated in permafrost studies, as it is particularly difficult to retrieve. Standard borehole temperature monitoring is unable to provide any ice content estimation, whereas non-invasive geophysical techniques, such as refraction ...