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The atmospheric monitoring system of the JEM-EUSO instrument

Adams Jr., J. ; Ahmad, S. ; Albert, J. ; Allard, D. ; Anchordoqui, L. ; Andreev, V. ; Anzalone, A. ; Arai, Y. ; Asano, K. ; Ave Pernas, M. ; Baragatti, P. ; Barrillon, P. ; Batsch, T. ; Bayer, J. ; Bechini, R. ; Belenguer, T. ; Bellotti, R. ; Belov, K. ; Berlind, A. ; Bertaina, M. ; Biermann, P. ; Biktemerova, S. ; Blaksley, C. ; Blanc, N. ; Błȩcki, J. ; Blin-Bondil, S. ; Blümer, J. ; Bobik, P. ; Bogomilov, M. ; Bonamente, M. ; Briggs, M. ; Briz, S. ; Bruno, A. ; Cafagna, F. ; Campana, D. ; Capdevielle, J. ; Caruso, R. ; Casolino, M. ; Cassardo, C. ; Castellinic, G. ; Catalano, C. ; Catalano, G. ; Cellino, A. ; Chikawa, M. ; Christl, M. ; Cline, D. ; Connaughton, V. ; Conti, L. ; Cordero, G. ; Crawford, H. ; Cremonini, R. ; Csorna, S. ; Dagoret-Campagne, S. ; de Castro, A. ; De Donato, C. ; de la Taille, C. ; De Santis, C. ; del Peral, L. ; Dell'Oro, A. ; De Simone, N. ; Di Martino, M. ; Distratis, G. ; Dulucq, F. ; Dupieux, M. ; Ebersoldt, A. ; Ebisuzaki, T. ; Engel, R. ; Falk, S. ; Fang, K. ; Fenu, F. ; Fernández-Gómez, I. ; Ferrarese, S. ; Finco, D. ; Flamini, M. ; Fornaro, C. ; Franceschi, A. ; Fujimoto, J. ; Fukushima, M. ; Galeotti, P. ; Garipov, G. ; Geary, J. ; Gelmini, G. ; Giraudo, G. ; Gonchar, M. ; González Alvarado, C. ; Gorodetzky, P. ; Guarino, F. ; Guzmán, A. ; Hachisu, Y. ; Harlov, B. ; Haungs, A. ; Hernández Carretero, J. ; Higashide, K. ; Ikeda, D. ; Ikeda, H. ; Inoue, N. ; Inoue, S. ; Insolia, A. ; Isgrò, F. ; Itow, Y. ; Joven, E. ; Judd, E. ; Jung, A. ; Kajino, F. ; Kajino, T. ; Kaneko, I. ; Karadzhov, Y. ; Karczmarczyk, J. ; Karus, M. ; Katahira, K. ; Kawai, K. ; Kawasaki, Y. ; Keilhauer, B. ; Khrenov, B. ; Kim, J. ; Kim, S. ; Kim, S. ; Kleifges, M. ; Klimov, P. ; Kolev, D. ; Kreykenbohm, I. ; Kudela, K. ; Kurihara, Y. ; Kusenko, A. ; Kuznetsov, E. ; Lacombe, M. ; Lachaud, C. ; Lee, J. ; Licandro, J. ; Lim, H. ; López, F. ; Maccarone, M. ; Mannheim, K. ; Maravilla, D. ; Marcelli, L. ; Marini, A. ; Martinez, O. ; Masciantonio, G. ; Mase, K. ; Matev, R. ; Medina-Tanco, G. ; Mernik, T. ; Miyamoto, H. ; Miyazaki, Y. ; Mizumoto, Y. ; Modestino, G. ; Monaco, A. ; Monnier-Ragaigne, D. ; Morales de los Ríos, J. ; Moretto, C. ; Morozenko, V. ; Mot, B. ; Murakami, T. ; Murakami, M. Nagano ; Nagata, M. ; Nagataki, S. ; Nakamura, T. ; Napolitano, T. ; Naumov, D. ; Nava, R. ; Neronov, A. ; Nomoto, K. ; Nonaka, T. ; Ogawa, T. ; Ogio, S. ; Ohmori, H. ; Olinto, A. ; Orleański, P. ; Osteria, G. ; Panasyuk, M. ; Parizot, E. ; Park, I. ; Park, H. ; Pastircak, B. ; Patzak, T. ; Paul, T. ; Pennypacker, C. ; Perez Cano, S. ; Peter, T. ; Picozza, P. ; Pierog, T. ; Piotrowski, L. ; Piraino, S. ; Plebaniak, Z. ; Pollini, A. ; Prat, P. ; Prévôt, G. ; Prieto, H. ; Putis, M. ; Reardon, P. ; Reyes, M. ; Ricci, M. ; Rodríguez, I. ; Rodríguez Frías, M. ; Ronga, F. ; Roth, M. ; Rothkaehl, H. ; Roudil, G. ; Rusinov, I. ; Rybczyński, M. ; Sabau, M. ; Sáez-Cano, G. ; Sagawa, H. ; Saito, A. ; Sakaki, N. ; Sakata, M. ; Salazar, H. ; Sánchez, S. ; Santangelo, A. ; Santiago Crúz, L. ; Sanz Palomino, M. ; Saprykin, O. ; Sarazin, F. ; Sato, H. ; Sato, M. ; Schanz, T. ; Schieler, H. ; Scotti, V. ; Segreto, A. ; Selmane, S. ; Semikoz, D. ; Serra, M. ; Sharakin, S. ; Shibata, T. ; Shimizu, H. ; Shinozaki, K. ; Shirahama, T. ; Siemieniec-Oziȩbło, G. ; Silva López, H. ; Sledd, J. ; Słomińska, K. ; Sobey, A. ; Sugiyama, T. ; Supanitsky, D. ; Suzuki, M. ; Szabelska, B. ; Szabelski, J. ; Tajima, F. ; Tajima, N. ; Tajima, T. ; Takahashi, Y. ; Takami, H. ; Takeda, M. ; Takizawa, Y. ; Tenzer, C. ; Tibolla, O. ; Tkachev, L. ; Tokuno, H. ; Tomida, T. ; Tone, N. ; Toscano, S. ; Trillaud, F. ; Tsenov, R. ; Tsunesada, Y. ; Tsuno, K. ; Tymieniecka, T. ; Uchihori, Y. ; Unger, M. ; Vaduvescu, O. ; Valdés-Galicia, J. ; Vallania, P. ; Valore, L. ; Vankova, G. ; Vigorito, C. ; Villaseñor, L. ; von Ballmoos, P. ; Wada, S. ; Watanabe, J. ; Watanabe, S. ; Watts Jr, J. ; Weber, M. ; Weiler, T. ; Wibig, T. ; Wiencke, L. ; Wille, M. ; Wilms, J. ; Włodarczyk, Z. ; Yamamoto, T. ; Yamamoto, Y. ; Yang, J. ; Yano, H. ; Yashin, I. ; Yonetoku, D. ; Yoshida, K. ; Yoshida, S. ; Young, R. ; Zotov, M. ; Zuccaro Marchi, A.

In: Experimental Astronomy, 2015, vol. 40, no. 1, p. 45-60

Université de Fribourg

Misfit layer compounds: a platform for heavily doped 2D transition metal dichalcogenides

Leriche, Raphaël T. ; Palacio‐Morales, Alexandra ; Campetella, Marco ; Tresca, Cesare ; Sasaki, Shunsuke ; Brun, Christophe ; Debontridder, François ; David, Pascal ; Arfaoui, Imad ; Šofranko, Ondrej ; Samuely, Tomas ; Kremer, Geoffroy ; Monney, Claude ; Jaouen, Thomas ; Cario, Laurent ; Calandra, Matteo ; Cren, Tristan

In: Advanced Functional Materials, 2020, p. 2007706

Transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) display a rich variety of instabilities such as spin and charge orders, Ising superconductivity, and topological properties. Their physical properties can be controlled by doping in electric double‐layer field‐effect transistors (FET). However, for the case of single layer NbSe2, FET doping is limited to ≈1 × 1014 cm−2, while a somewhat larger...

Université de Fribourg

Disproportionate extinction of South American mammals drove the asymmetry of the Great American Biotic Interchange

Carrillo, Juan D. ; Faurby, Søren ; Silvestro, Daniele ; Zizka, Alexander ; Jaramillo, Carlos ; Bacon, Christine D. ; Antonelli, and Alexandre

In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2020, vol. 117, no. 42, p. 26281–26287

The biological interchange between North and South America associated with the formation of the Isthmus of Panama is key to defining current gradients of species diversity. A major gap in our understanding of the interchange is its asymmetry, where mammals of North American origin attained higher diversity in South America than vice versa. The prevailing view is that this asymmetry resulted...