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Université de Fribourg

Sedentary behavior in children by wearable cameras: development of an annotation protocol

Hänggi, Johanna M. ; Spinnler, Simon ; Christodoulides, Efstathios ; Gramespacher, Elke ; Taube, Wolfgang ; Doherty, Aiden

In: American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 2020, vol. 59, no. 6, p. 880–886

Introduction: There is increasing evidence that not all types of sedentary behavior have the same harmful effects on children's health. Hence, there has been a growing interest in the use of wearable cameras. The aim of this study is to develop a protocol to categorize children's wearable camera data into sedentary behavior components.Methods: Wearable camera data were collected in 3...

Université de Fribourg

Biomechanical agreement between different imitation jumps and hill jumps in ski jumping

Ketterer, Jakob ; Gollhofer, Albert ; Lauber, Benedikt

In: Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, 2020, p. sms.13834

Even though the take‐off in ski jumping is decisive, athletes only have a very limited number of training trials on the actual ski jump to practice under real ski jump conditions. Hence, various imitation jumps aiming to mimic the hill jump are performed during daily training. These imitation jumps should therefore mimic the kinematic pattern of hill jumps appropriately. This study aimed to...

Haute Ecole de Santé Valais

Les physiothérapeutes du sport suisse : une étude transversale

Morend, Bérangère ; Pulver, Mathieu ; Mathieu, Nicolas (Dir.)

Mémoire de bachelor : Haute Ecole de Santé Valais, 2019.

À la demande de l’International Federation of Sports Physical Therapy (IFSPT) de catégoriser les membres de l’Association Suisse de Physiothérapie du Sport (ASPS) et par le manque d’uniformité dans la population des physiothérapeutes se rendant à des évènements sportifs importants, nous voulions déterminer, sous mandat de l’ASPS, le profil de leurs membres. Notre deuxième...

Université de Fribourg

Nobody’s Innocent : The Role of Customers in the Doping Dilemma

Buechel, Berno ; Emrich, Eike ; Pohlkamp, Stefanie

In: Journal of sports economics, 2016, vol. 17, no. 8, p. 767-789

Customers who boycott an organization after some scandal may actually exacerbate the fraud problem they would like to prevent. This conclusion is derived from a game- theoretic model that introduces a third player into the standard inspection game. Focusing on the example of doping in professional sports, we observe that doping is prevalent in equilibrium because customers undermine an...

Haute école de santé Genève

Quelles sont les interventions de prévention des troubles du comportement alimentaire efficaces chez les athlètes et quel est le rôle du-de la diététicen-ne dans ces interventions ? : travail de Bachelor

Bigler, Fiona ; Mabillard, Céline ; Carrard, Isabelle (Dir.)

Mémoire de bachelor : Haute école de santé Genève, 2019.

Introduction : La prévalence des troubles du comportement alimentaire (TCA) est plus élevée chez les athlètes que dans la population générale et ceux-ci engendrent des conséquences graves sur la santé et les performances. En effet, les sportifs sont soumis aux facteurs de risque de la population générale, mais également à ceux spécifiques à l’environnement sportif. Face à cette...

Université de Fribourg

Hoops and Coming of Age in Greek and Roman Antiquity

Dasen, Véronique

In: Toys and Material Culture. Hybridisation, Design and Consumption. 8th International Toy Research Association World Conference, 2019, p. 1-21

Ancient hoops, usually made of wood or metal, do not survive archaeologically, but literary and iconographic representations provide information regarding the materials used, ergonomics, as well as their symbolic and cultural values. Hoops were intimately associated with youth, especially male, and this paper aims at expanding the understanding of their collective, social and religious dimensions...

Consortium of Swiss Academic Libraries

Postmortem imaging of sudden cardiac death

Michaud, Katarzyna ; Grabherr, Silke ; Jackowski, Christian ; Bollmann, Marc ; Doenz, Franceso ; Mangin, Patrice

In: International Journal of Legal Medicine, 2014, vol. 128, no. 1, p. 127-137