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Haute école de gestion de Genève

How to harness the potential of short food supply chains in Vaud ?

Di Vita, Jonas ; Depetris Chauvin, Nicolas (Dir.)

Mémoire de bachelor : Haute école de gestion de Genève, 2020 ; TDIBM 79.

This study aimed at analyzing the demand side of short food supply chains in the canton of Vaud to provide local farmers with recommendations about how to organize, market and promote the sale of local fruits and vegetables. While many elements in the analysis confirmed the findings of the existing literature, others brought a new understanding of consumers in Vaud. The consumer analysis led to...

Université de Fribourg

Preliminary video-spatial analysis of cold seep bivalve beds at the base of the continental slope of Israel (Palmahim Disturbance)

Beccari, V. ; Basso, D. ; Spezzaferri, Silvia ; Rüggeberg, A. ; Neuman, A. ; Makovsky, Y.

In: Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 2020, vol. 171, p. 104664

Seafloor video surveys were carried out with the ROV Max Rover in the Palmahim Disturbance (PD) area, offshore Israel, in September 2016 during the EUROFLEETS2 SEMSEEP cruise on board the R/V AEGAEO. Preliminary observations of distribution and frequencies of bivalve accumulations show that they are mostly composed by Lucinoma kazani shells. Valves are distributed mainly along the base of...

Université de Fribourg

Macro- and micro-fauna from cold seeps in the Palmahim Disturbance (Israeli off-shore), with description of Waisiuconcha corsellii n.sp. (Bivalvia, Vesicomyidae)

Basso, D. ; Beccari, V. ; Almogi-Labin, A. ; Hyams-Kaphzan, O. ; Weissman, A. ; Makovsky, Y. ; Rüggeberg, A. ; Spezzaferri, Silvia

In: Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 2020, vol. 171, p. 104723

Chemosymbiotic micro- and macro-fauna related to cold-seep sites were recovered in the Palmahim Disturbance (PD), offshore Israel, during EU EUROFLEETS2 SEMSEEP Cruise, by box-coring and Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) dives. No live macrofauna was identified in the collected sediments, with the exception of the seep-related crustacean Calliax lobata (de Gaillande and Lagardère, 1966)....

Université de Fribourg

Integrated bio- and cyclostratigraphy of Middle Triassic (Anisian) ramp deposits, NW Bulgaria

Ajdanlijsky, George ; Strasser, André ; Götz, Annette E.

In: Geologica Carpathica, 2019, vol. 70, no. 4, p. 325–354

A cyclostratigraphic interpretation of peritidal to shallow-marine ramp deposits of the early Middle Triassic (Anisian) Opletnya Member exposed in outcrops along the Iskar River gorge, NW Bulgaria, is presented. Based on facies trends and bounding surfaces, depositional sequences of several orders can be identified. New biostratigraphic data provide a time frame of the studied succession with...

Université de Fribourg

Large-scale paleoceanographic variations in the western Mediterranean Sea during the last 34,000 years: From enhanced cold-water coral growth to declining mounds

Stalder, Claudio ; El Kateb, Akram ; Vertino, Agostina ; Rüggeberg, Andres ; Camozzi, Osvaldo ; Pirkenseer, Claudius M. ; Spangenberg, Jorge E. ; Hajdas, Irka ; Rooij, David Van ; Spezzaferri, Silvia

In: Marine Micropaleontology, 2018, vol. 143, p. 46–62

Quantitative and qualitative analyses of cold-water coral (CWC) fragments from two sediment cores obtained from the Melilla Mounds Field (MMF) in the Alboran Sea, western Mediterranean Sea, reveal an alternation of periods dominated by distinct CWC species. The lower parts of the cores are dominated by the CWC species Lophelia pertusa, which is successively replaced in the upper parts by the...