Haute Ecole pédagogique Fribourg

"Das ist doch ein Engel dort hinten, oder?" Religiöse Symbole und Motive in populärkulturellen Erzeugnissen erkunden.

Bleisch, Petra ; Rassiller, Markus ; Bertschy, Tina ; Thalmann, Markus

In: Zeitschrift für Religionskunde | Revue de didactique des sciences des religions, 2020, no. 8, p. 104-124

In their everyday life, young people encounter religious symbols and motifs in films, series, advertising or games. This contribution presents a teaching unit which, based on the LUKAS model, practises the recognition and investigation of religious symbols and motifs in popular cultural products with secondary school students. The teaching unit was carried out in a 10H (8th grade) in the subject...