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Bibliothèque cantonale jurassienne

Occupations du haut moyen âge à Chevenez : inhumations et atelier métallurgique : Lai Coiratte, Combe Varu, Combe en Vaillard

Evéquoz, Emmanuelle ; Amiot, Philippe

Porrentruy : Office de la culture et Société jurassienne d'émulation, 2012

(Cahiers d'archéologie jurassienne ; 27)

ISBN: 9782884360302

Haute Ecole Arc Conservation-Restauration

Etude des méthodes de conservation du mobilier archéologique en alliage ferreux : du chantier de fouille aux réserves

Regnault, Audrey

Mémoire de bachelor : Haute Ecole Arc Conservation-Restauration, 2019.

Currently there is no general method for conservation of archaeological iron artefacts, the sensibilty of this material implies to establish long and expensive procedures on the long term. Each institution tries to employ their own procedure adapted to the objects and as well as the financial situation of the institution. Following a survey of 10 Swiss and French institutions, it was possible to...

Université de Fribourg

Saltimbanques et circulation de jeux

Dasen, Véronique

In: Archimède, Dossier "Jouer dans l’Antiquité. Identité et multiculturalité", 2019, no. 6, p. 127-143

In classical antiquity, acrobats were one of the vectors of the circulation of playful objects and skills, such as juggling, tightrope walking, hooping, equilibrism and animal shows. Various fragmentary documents enable to grasp the contours of their proteiform identity and of their different activities. Designated by various terms (thaumatopoioi, thaumatourgoi, planoi, circulatores) often...

Université de Fribourg

Jouer dans l’Antiquité: identité et multiculturalité : Dossier thématique = Games and Play in Antiquity: Identity and Multiculturality

Dasen, Véronique ; Schädler, Ulrich

In: Archimède, 2019, no. 6, p. 71-212

Abstract A pluridisciplinary approach, crossing archaeological, written and iconographic sources allows us to grasp the modes of circulation of play and games in the ancient Mediterranean. This special issue opens several avenues of research on the identity issues, real or imaginary, conveyed by ancient play culture, from pharaonic Egypt to the end of Antiquity.

Université de Fribourg

Rituale, spettacolo o gioco d’azzardo? Memorie del combattimento dei galli in Grecia antica. Considerazioni linguistiche e antropologiche

Vespa, Marco

In: Enthymema, 2019, vol. XXIII, p. 434-460

The social practice of cockfighting in ancient Greece has been the subject of numerous studies which have emphasized in particular the statute of educational spectacle, a real manifesto for the ideology of Greek kalokagathia. The rooster, a courageous animal and prototype of male gender identity, would have been the protagonist of several narratives, written or figured, aimed at enhancing or...

Université de Fribourg

Hoops and Coming of Age in Greek and Roman Antiquity

Dasen, Véronique

In: Toys and Material Culture. Hybridisation, Design and Consumption. 8th International Toy Research Association World Conference, 2019, p. 1-21

Ancient hoops, usually made of wood or metal, do not survive archaeologically, but literary and iconographic representations provide information regarding the materials used, ergonomics, as well as their symbolic and cultural values. Hoops were intimately associated with youth, especially male, and this paper aims at expanding the understanding of their collective, social and religious dimensions...

Université de Fribourg

Cubic Dice: Archaeological Material for Understanding Historical Processes

Voogt, Alexander J. de ; Eerkens, Jelmer W.

In: Kentron, 2018, vol. 34, p. 99-108

The characteristics of dice found in archaeological contexts assist in the understanding of historical processes and human behavior. The dice attributes of configuration and dot pattern are regionally and/or temporally specific and can be used to help date dice themselves or the context in which they are found. As well, dice have been used to decipher Etruscan words and may identify novice...

Université de Fribourg

Ambiguïté des jeux et jouets dans la culture matérielle du monde égéen aux âges du bronze moyen et récent

Pomadère, Maia

In: Kentron, 2018, vol. 34, p. 61-86

The rich material cultures of the Minoan and Mycenaean civilizations rarely offer clear remains of toys or games for the period from the XXth to the XIIth century B.C., if we exclude athletic events depicted in various forms. Researchers have been debating the ambiguous nature of some categories of objects – Mycenaean figurines and miniatures, Minoan stones with cupules – since the beginning...

Université de Fribourg

Les noms du jeu et du jouet en grec

Casevitz, Michel

In: Kentron, 2018, vol. 34, p. 51-60

The words for play and toy are largely derived from pais, the word for child, particularly the verbs paizô and paideuô. This derivation proves that children are meant to be taught. Other words, more etymologically obscure, designate play and fun: some are formed around the verb athurô, while other are derived from hepsiaomai. The three word families have ancient forms dating from the time of...