Ergebnisse einschränken


Università della Svizzera italiana

Vitamin D status in adolescents during COVID-19 pandemic : a cross-sectional comparative study

Meoli, Martina ; Muggli, Franco ; Lava, Sebastiano A. G. ; Bianchetti, Mario G. ; Agostoni, Carlo ; Kocher, Claudine ; Bührer, Thomas W. ; Ciliberti, Letizia ; Simonetti, Giacomo D. ; Milani, Gregorio P.

In: Nutrients, 2021, vol. 13, no. 5, p. 7

Vitamin D has been claimed to be effective in the response to infections, including the respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). It is supposed that lockdown measures and fear of SARS-CoV-2 infection might reduce vitamin D levels through the modification of lifestyle. However, very few data exist on the association between lockdown measures and vitamin D status in humans. For this...

Università della Svizzera italiana

Immigration policy and immigrants' sleep : evidence from DACA

Giuntella, Osea ; Lonsky, Jakub ; Mazzonna, Fabrizio ; Stella, Luca

In: Journal of economic behavior and organization, 2021, vol. 182, no. February, p. 12 p

Stress is associated with sleep problems and poor sleep is linked to mental health and depression symptoms. The stress associated with immigrant status and immigration policy can directly affect mental health. While previous studies have documented the significant relationship between immigration policy and the physical and mental health of immigrants, we know little about the effects of...