Ergebnisse einschränken



Università della Svizzera italiana

Causal impacts of epidemics and pandemics on food supply chains : a systematic review

Cardoso, Brenda ; Cunha, Luiza ; Leiras, Adriana ; Gonçalves, Paulo ; Yoshizaki, Hugo ; de Brito Junior, Irineu ; Pedroso, Frederico

In: Sustainability, 2021, vol. 13, no. 17, p. 28

The epidemics and pandemics can severely affect food supply chains, including producers, retailers, wholesalers, and customers. To minimize their impacts, it is fundamental to implement effective policies that ensure continuity in the provision, affordability, and distribution of basic food items. This research identifies the main impacts of pandemics and epidemics on food supply chains and ...

Università della Svizzera italiana

Microcredit impacts : evidence from a large-scale observational study in Brazil

Goldszmidt, Rafael ; Behr, Patrick ; Zucco, Cesar ; Lenz, Anna-Katharina ; Gonzalez, Lauro ; Valdivia, Martin

In: The european journal of development research, 2021, p. 27

This paper studies the impact of microcredit in Brazil. We use a propensity score matching on original primary data on business and personal outcomes to compare veteran clients of BNDES - Brazil’s largest government-owned development bank - to a matched sample of more recent clients. Based on administrative data as well as data from a survey of 2107 clients from the South and Northeast...

Consortium of Swiss Academic Libraries

Testing for symmetry and conditional symmetry using asymmetric kernels

Fernandes, Marcelo ; Mendes, Eduardo ; Scaillet, Olivier

In: Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 2015, vol. 67, no. 4, p. 649-671