Ergebnisse einschränken



Université de Fribourg

Skin proteomics – analysis of the extracellular matrix in health and disease

Dengjel, Jörn ; Bruckner-Tuderman, Leena ; Nyström, Alexander

In: Expert Review of Proteomics, 2020, vol. 17, no. 5, p. 377–391

Introduction The skin protects the human body from external insults and regulates water and temperature homeostasis. A highly developed extracellular matrix (ECM) supports the skin and instructs its cell functions. Reduced functionality of the ECM is often associated with skin diseases that cause physical impairment and also have implications on social interactions and quality of life of...

Université de Fribourg

Disproportionate extinction of South American mammals drove the asymmetry of the Great American Biotic Interchange

Carrillo, Juan D. ; Faurby, Søren ; Silvestro, Daniele ; Zizka, Alexander ; Jaramillo, Carlos ; Bacon, Christine D. ; Antonelli, and Alexandre

In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2020, vol. 117, no. 42, p. 26281–26287

The biological interchange between North and South America associated with the formation of the Isthmus of Panama is key to defining current gradients of species diversity. A major gap in our understanding of the interchange is its asymmetry, where mammals of North American origin attained higher diversity in South America than vice versa. The prevailing view is that this asymmetry resulted...

Université de Fribourg

Protein complexes and neighborhoods driving autophagy

Siva Sankar, Devanarayanan ; Dengjel, Jörn

In: Autophagy, 2020, vol. 0, no. 0, p. 1–17

Autophagy summarizes evolutionarily conserved, intracellular degradation processes targeting cytoplasmic material for lysosomal degradation. These encompass constitutive processes as well as stress responses, which are often found dysregulated in diseases. Autophagy pathways help in the clearance of damaged organelles, protein aggregates and macromolecules, mediating their recycling and ...

Université de Fribourg

Phosphatidylserine transport by ORP/Osh proteins is driven by phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate

Filseck, Joachim Moser von ; Čopič, Alenka ; Delfosse, Vanessa ; Vanni, Stefano ; Jackson, Catherine L. ; Bourguet, William ; Drin, Guillaume

In: Science, 2015, vol. 349, no. 6246, p. 432–436

In eukaryotic cells, phosphatidylserine (PS) is synthesized in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) but is highly enriched in the plasma membrane (PM), where it contributes negative charge and to specific recruitment of signaling proteins. This distribution relies on transport mechanisms whose nature remains elusive. Here, we found that the PS transporter Osh6p extracted phosphatidylinositol...

Université de Fribourg

mcr-9, An inducible gene encoding an acquired phosphoethanolamine transferase in Escherichia coli, and its origin

Kieffer, Nicolas ; Royer, b Guilhem ; Decousser, Jean-Winoc ; Bourrel, Anne-Sophie ; Palmieri, Mattia ; Ortiz De La Rosa, Jose-Manuel ; Jacquier, Hervé ; Denamur, Erick ; Nordmann, Patrice ; Poirel, Laurent

In: Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 2019, vol. 63, no. 9, p. -

The plasmid-located mcr-9 gene, encoding a putative phosphoethanolamine transferase, was identified in a colistin-resistant human fecal Escherichia coli strain belonging to a very rare phylogroup, the D-ST69-O15:H6 clone. This MCR-9 protein shares 33% to 65% identity with the other plasmid-encoded MCR-type enzymes identified (MCR-1 to -8) that have been found as sources of acquired resistance...

Université de Fribourg

Colistin resistance in Parisian inpatient faecal Escherichia coli as the result of two distinct evolutionary pathways

Bourrel, Anne Sophie ; Poirel, Laurent ; Royer, Guilhem ; Darty, Mélanie ; Vuillemin, Xavier ; Kieffer, Nicolas ; Clermont, Olivier ; Denamur, Erick ; Nordmann, Patrice ; Decousser, Jean-Winoc ; The IAME Resistance Group

In: Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 2019, vol. 74, no. 6, p. 1521–1530

Beyond plasmid-encoded resistance (mcr genes) prevalence in strain collections, large epidemiological studies to estimate the human burden of colistin-resistant Escherichia coli gut carriage are lacking.Objectives: To evaluate the prevalence of colistin-resistant E. coli carriage in inpatients and decipher the molecular support of resistance and the genetic background of the strains.Methods:...

Università della Svizzera italiana

Chemokine receptor patterns in lymphocytes mirror metastatic spreading in melanoma

Jacquelot, Nicolas ; Enot, David P. ; Flament, Caroline ; Vimond, Nadège ; Blattner, Carolin ; Pitt, Jonathan M. ; Yamazaki, Takahiro ; Roberti, María Paula ; Daillère, Romain ; Vétizou, Marie ; Poirier-Colame, Vichnou ; Semeraro, Michaëla ; Caignard, Anne ; Slingluff Jr., Craig L. ; Sallusto, Federica ; Rusakiewicz, Sylvie ; Weide, Benjamin ; Marabelle, Aurélien ; Kohrt, Holbrook ; Dalle, Stéphane ; Cavalcanti, Andréa ; Kroemer, Guido ; Di Giacomo, Anna Maria ; Maio, Michele ; Wong, Phillip ; Yuan, Jianda ; Wolchok, Jedd ; Umansky, Viktor ; Eggermont, Alexander ; Zitvogel, Laurence

In: The journal of clinical investigation, 2016, vol. 126, no. 3, p. 921-937

Melanoma prognosis is dictated by tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes, the migratory and functional behavior of which is guided by chemokine or cytokine gradients. Here, we retrospectively analyzed the expression patterns of 9 homing receptors (CCR/CXCR) in naive and memory CD4+ and CD8+ T lymphocytes in 57 patients with metastatic melanoma (MMel) with various sites of metastases to evaluate...

Université de Fribourg

Systematic analysis of synergistic proteome modulations in a drug combination of cisplatin and MLN4924

Megger, Dominik Andre ; Abou-Eid, Shadi ; Zülch, Birgit ; Sitek, Barbara

In: Molecular Omics, 2018, vol. 14, no. 6, p. 450–457

Chemotherapeutic treatment regimens often take advantage of synergistic effects of drug combinations. Anticipating that synergistic effects on the cell biological level likely manifest on the proteome level, the analysis of proteome modulations represents an appropriate strategy to study drug combinations on a molecular level. More specifically, the detection of single proteins exhibiting...