Ergebnisse einschränken




Consortium of Swiss Academic Libraries

Dual-Channel Electrospray Microchip

Lu, Yu ; Liu, Fang ; Lion, Niels ; Girault, Hubert

In: Journal of The American Society for Mass Spectrometry, 2013, vol. 24, no. 3, p. 454-457

Consortium of Swiss Academic Libraries

The UV, Lyman α, and dark matter halo properties of high-redshift galaxies

Garel, T. ; Blaizot, J. ; Guiderdoni, B. ; Michel-Dansac, L. ; Hayes, M. ; Verhamme, A.

In: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2015, vol. 450, no. 2, p. 1279-1294

Consortium of Swiss Academic Libraries

Gravity-driven Lyα blobs from cold streams into galaxies

Goerdt, Tobias ; Dekel, A. ; Sternberg, A. ; Ceverino, D. ; Teyssier, R. ; Primack, J. R.

In: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2010, vol. 407, no. 1, p. 613-631

Consortium of Swiss Academic Libraries

Globular clusters, satellite galaxies and stellar haloes from early dark matter peaks

Moore, Ben ; Diemand, Juerg ; Madau, Piero ; Zemp, Marcel ; Stadel, Joachim

In: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2006, vol. 368, no. 2, p. 563-570

Consortium of Swiss Academic Libraries

Modelling high redshift Lyman α emitters

Garel, T. ; Blaizot, J. ; Guiderdoni, B. ; Schaerer, D. ; Verhamme, A. ; Hayes, M.

In: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2012, vol. 422, no. 1, p. 310-325