Ergebnisse einschränken


Université de Fribourg

A new glirid-like cricetid from the lower Oligocene of Southern China

Lu, Xiao-Yu ; Ni, Xijun ; Maridet, Olivier

In: Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 2021, p. e1917587

Here we report a new cricetid s.l., Caecocricetodon yani, gen. et sp. nov., discovered in the early Oligocene of the Caijiachong Formation in Yunnan Province, China. The new cricetid differs from all known cricetids or stem muroids by its particular molar pattern displaying numerous crests and spurs. Our phylogenetic analysis based on a matrix including 42 taxa and 72 characters indicates...

Université de Fribourg

Cold-water coral mound archive provides unique insights into intermediate water mass dynamics in the alboran sea during the last deglaciation

Fentimen, Robin ; Feenstra, Eline ; Rüggeberg, Andres ; Vennemann, Torsten ; Hajdas, Irka ; Adatte, Thierry ; Van Rooij, David ; Foubert, Anneleen

In: Frontiers in Marine Science, 2020, vol. 7, p. -

The Alboran Sea is widely recognized to host numerous cold-water coral ecosystems, including the East Melilla Coral Province. Yet, their development through time and response to climatic variability has still to be fully understood. Based on a combined investigation of benthic foraminiferal assemblages, foraminiferal stable isotope compositions, grain size analysis, sediment geochemistry, and...

Université de Fribourg

Solenosmilia variabilis-bearing cold-water coral mounds off Brazil

Raddatz, J. ; Titschack, J. ; Frank, N. ; Freiwald, A. ; Conforti, A. ; Osborne, A. ; Skornitzke, S. ; Stiller, W. ; Rüggeberg, Andres ; Voigt, Silke ; Albuquerque, A. L. S. ; Vertino, A. ; Schröder-Ritzrau, A. ; Bahr, A.

In: Coral Reefs, 2020, vol. 39, no. 1, p. 69–83

Cold-water corals (CWC), dominantly Desmophyllum pertusum (previously Lophelia pertusa), and their mounds have been in the focus of marine research during the last two decades; however, little is known about the mound-forming capacity of other CWC species. Here, we present new 230Th/U age constraints of the relatively rarely studied framework-building CWC Solenosmilia variabilis from a mound...

Université de Fribourg

How network topologies impact project alliance performance: evidence from the movie industry

Zhang, Xin-Jie ; Tang, Yong ; Xiong, Jason ; Wang, Wei-Jia ; Zhang, Yi-Cheng

In: Entropy, 2019, vol. 21, no. 9, p. 859

In many industries, partners are interconnected in project alliances that have limited lifespans and clearly-defined boundaries. The transparency of the movie industry provides a unique opportunity to study how alliance network topologies impact the performance of project alliances from the perspectives of social networks and organization theories. In this work, we compiled a massive movie...

Université de Fribourg

Aubenas-les-Alpes (S-E France). Part III – Last and final part of the mammalian assemblage with some comments on the palaeoenvironment and palaeobiogeography = Aubenas-les-Alpes (S-E France). Part III – Dernière partie de l’assemblage mammalien avec quelques commentaires sur le paléoenvironnement et la paléobiogéographie

Maridet, Olivier ; Hugueney, Marguerite ; Costeur, Loïc

In: Annales de Paléontologie, 2019, vol. 105, no. 2, p. 139–153

The study of the new material from Aubenas-les-Alpes makes it possible to add to the faunal list taxa hitherto unknown in this locality (Neurogymnurus cayluxi, Issiodoromys minor, Eomys minor, Pseudocricetodon cf. hausi, Pseudocricetodon aff. philippi). New specimens of the shrew Srinitium marteli increase our knowledge of this rare insectivore. The characteristics of the theridomorph I....

Université de Fribourg

Northern Hemisphere permafrost map based on TTOP modelling for 2000–2016 at 1 km2 scale

Obu, Jaroslav ; Westermann, Sebastian ; Bartsch, Annett ; Berdnikov, Nikolai ; Christiansen, Hanne H. ; Dashtseren, Avirmed ; Delaloye, Reynald ; Elberling, Bo ; Etzelmüller, Bernd ; Kholodov, Alexander ; Khomutov, Artem ; Kääb, Andreas ; Leibman, Marina O. ; Lewkowicz, Antoni G. ; Panda, Santosh K. ; Romanovskyh, Vladimir ; Wayk, Robert G. ; Westergaard-Nielsen, Andreas ; Wu, Tonghua ; Yamkhin, Jambaljav ; Zou, Defu

In: Earth-Science Reviews, 2019, vol. 193, p. 299–316

Permafrost is a key element of the cryosphere and an essential climate variable in the Global Climate Observing System. There is no remote-sensing method available to reliably monitor the permafrost thermal state. To estimate permafrost distribution at a hemispheric scale, we employ an equilibrium state model for the temperature at the top of the permafrost (TTOP model) for the 2000–2016...

Université de Fribourg

Predicting climate change impacts on the threatened Quercus arbutifolia in montane cloud forests in southern China and Vietnam: Conservation implications

Song, Yi-Gang ; Petitpierre, Blaise ; Denga, Min ; Wu, Jin-Ping ; Kozlowski, Gregor

In: Forest Ecology and Management, 2019, vol. 444, p. 269–279

Trees of montane cloud forests (MCFs) often have small and isolated populations and face numerous threats. Due to limited conservation resources, management decisions are often based on scarce biological information. This study investigated the current status of populations of the critically endangered oak species Quercus arbutifolia in southern China, including its distribution, threats,...

Consortium of Swiss Academic Libraries

Cretaceous syn-sedimentary faulting in the Wildhorn Nappe (SW Switzerland)

Cardello, G. ; Mancktelow, Neil

In: Swiss Journal of Geosciences, 2014, vol. 107, no. 2-3, p. 223-250