Université de Fribourg

Taxonomic notes and illustrations of benthicforaminifera from cold-water coral ecosystems

Spezzaferri, Silvia ; Rüggeberg, Andres ; Stalder, Claudio ; Margreth, Stephan

In: Atlas of benthic foraminifera from cold-water coral reefs - Special Publication / Cushman Foundation For Foraminiferal Research, 2014, vol. 44, p. 49-140

Université de Fribourg

Benthic foramniferal assemblages from cold-watercoral ecosystems

Spezzaferri, Silvia ; Rüggeberg, Andres ; Stalder, Claudio ; Margreth, Stephan

In: Atlas of benthic foraminifera from cold-water coral reefs - Special Publication / Cushman Foundation For Foraminiferal Research, 2014, vol. 44, p. 20-48

Université de Fribourg

Cold-water coral reefs along the european continental margin: the role of foraminifera

Rüggeberg, Andres ; Spezzaferri, Silvia ; Stalder, Claudio ; Margreth, Stephan

In: Atlas of benthic foraminifera from cold-water coral reefs - Special Publication / Cushman Foundation For Foraminiferal Research, 2014, vol. 44, p. 3-11

Université de Fribourg

Benthic foraminifera associated to cold-water coral ecosystems

Margreth, Stephan ; Spezzaferri, Silvia (Dir.)

Thèse de doctorat : Université de Fribourg, 2010 ; no 1686.

Kaltwasserkorallenriffe treten weltweit auf, sind aber am stärksten verbreite entlang des europäischen Kontinentalabhangs zwischen Nordnorwegen und dem Golf von Cadiz. Sie kommen aber auch im Mittelmeer vor. Die Steinkoralle Lophelia pertusa ist die dominierende riffbildende Art und wird oft von einer zweiten Steinkorallenart, Madrepora oculata, begleitet. Die Larven dieser Arten besiedeln...

Université de Fribourg

Benthic foraminifer assemblages from norwegian cold-Water coral reefs

Spezzaferri, Silvia ; Rüggeberg, Andres ; Stalder, Claudio ; Margreth, Stephan

In: Journal of Foraminiferal Research, 2013, vol. 43, no. 1, p. 21-39

Quantitative investigations on the total (living + dead) benthic foraminiferal assemblages were performed on 32 surface-sediment samples (0–2 cm, .63-mm size fraction) from water depths ranging from 110–600 m (‘‘on-reef’’) to .2000 m (‘‘off-reef’’) in the Oslo Fjord (Skagerrak Basin), the mid-Norwegian slope (Sula, Røst, and Trænadjupet reefs), and the northern coral-reef...

Université de Fribourg

Paleoenvironmental reconstruction of Challenger Mound initiation in the Porcupine Seabight, NE Atlantic

Raddatz, Jacek ; Rüggeberg, Andres ; Margreth, Stephan ; Dullo, Wolf-Christian ; IODP Expedition 307 Scientific Party

In: Marine Geology, 2011, vol. 282, no. 1-2, p. 79-90

The understanding of the paleoenvironment during initiation and early development of deep cold-water coral carbonate mounds in the NE Atlantic is currently a focus of international research. The Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Expedition 307 drilled the 155 m high Challenger Mound in the Porcupine Seabight (SW off Ireland) in order to investigate for the first time sediments from the...