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Université de Fribourg

Dietary restriction and other lifespan extending pathways converge at the activation of the downstream effector takeout.

Gáliková, Martina ; Flatt, Thomas

In: Aging, 2010, vol. 2, no. 7, p. 387-389

Dietary restriction (DR), reduced food uptake without malnutrition, is the most universal intervention known to extend animal lifespan, from invertebrates to mammals [1]. However, despite impressive progress in identifying the key components of the DR pathway, many proximal effectors of DR induced longevity remain unknown to date [1]. One central obstacle in the search for such mechanisms is...

Université de Fribourg

Diet and longevity in the balance

Flatt, Thomas

In: Nature, 2009, vol. 462, no. 24, p. 989-990

Dietary restriction promotes longevity but impairs fecundity in many organisms. When the amino acids in a diet are fine-tuned, however, lifespan can be increased without loss of fecundity — at least in fruitflies.