Haute Ecole de Gestion & Tourisme

Optimisation d’une plateforme de réservation d’un tour-opérateur : Comment optimiser la nouvelle plateforme B2C de VT Vacances d’un point de vue utilisateur?

Santos, Mélissa ; Schegg, Roland (Dir.)

Mémoire de bachelor : Haute Ecole de Gestion & Tourisme, 2016.

Ce travail de recherche s’adresse à l’entreprise VT Vacances, tour-opérateur suisse romand, et a pour but de répondre à la question de recherche suivante : comment optimiser la nouvelle plateforme B2C de VT Vacances d’un point de vue utilisateur? Pour ce faire, il a été question d’évaluer la plateforme afin d’identifier les principaux obstacles empêchant une bonne utilisation...

Université de Fribourg

Smart Garments – the Issue of Usability and Aesthetics

Sonderegger, Andreas

In: UbiComp'13 Adjunct, ACM Press

In this position paper, important issues to consider for the development of smart garments are addressed. A special emphasis is placed on usability and its evaluation in a user-centered design approach. Different factors influencing the outcomes of usability tests are discussed. The effect of design aesthetics as a very important influencing factor in usability tests is addressed in detail and...

Université de Fribourg

The influence of design aesthetics and user state in usability testing

Sauer, Juergen ; Sonderegger, Andreas

In: Behaviour & Information Technology

An empirical study examined the effects of two influencing factors in usability tests on user performance and usability ratings. Aesthetics of design (high vs. low) as the main independent factor and prior usage event (positive vs. negative) as a subsidiary independent factor were varied in a between-participants design. 60 participants took part in the experiment, completing a number of typical...