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Université de Fribourg

Differential introgression reveals candidate genes for selection across a spruce (Picea sitchensis × P. glauca) hybrid zone

Hamilton, Jill A. ; Lexer, Christian ; Aitken, Sally N.

In: New Phytologist, 2013, vol. 197, no. 3, p. 927–938

Differential patterns of introgression between species across ecological gradients provide a fine-scale depiction of extrinsic and intrinsic factors that contribute to the maintenance of species barriers and adaptation across heterogeneous environments. Introgression was examined for 721 individuals collected from the ecological transition zone spanning maritime to continental climates within the...

Université de Fribourg

Genomic and phenotypic architecture of a spruce hybrid zone (Picea sitchensis × P. glauca)

Hamilton, Jill A. ; Lexer, Christian ; Aitken, Sally N.

In: Molecular Ecology, 2012, p. -

Interspecific hybridization may enhance the capacity of populations to adapt to changing environments, and has practical implications for reforestation. We use genome-wide estimates of admixture and phenotypic traits for trees in a common garden to examine the extent and direction of gene flow across a Picea hybrid zone, testing assumptions of the bounded hybrid superiority and tension zone...