Ergebnisse einschränken



Université de Fribourg

Protein phosphatase AP2C1 negatively regulates basal resistance and defense responses to Pseudomonas syringae

Shubchynskyy, Volodymyr ; Boniecka, Justyna ; Schweighofer, Alois ; Simulis, Justinas ; Kvederaviciute, Kotryna ; Stumpe, Michael ; Mauch, Felix ; Balazadeh, Salma ; Mueller-Roeber, Bernd ; Boutrot, Freddy ; Zipfel, Cyril ; Meskiene, Irute

In: Journal of Experimental Botany, 2017, p. -

Mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) mediate plant immune responses to pathogenic bacteria. However, less is known about the cell autonomous negative regulatory mechanism controlling basal plant immunity. We report the biological role of Arabidopsis thaliana MAPK phosphatase AP2C1 as a negative regulator of plant basal resistance and defense responses to Pseudomonas syringae. AP2C2, a...

Université de Fribourg

Molecular pathways linking metabolic inflammation and thermogenesis

Solinas, Giovanni

In: Obesity Review, 2012, vol. 13, no. S2, p. 69–82

Obesity is caused by chronic positive energy balance because of higher energy intake relative to energy expenditure. Thermogenesis, the capacity of an organism to produce heat, is an important component of energy expenditure. Thus targeting the molecular mechanisms controlling thermogenesis could be an effective strategy for the prevention or treatment of obesity. Thermogenesis is modulated by...