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Collection spécifique


Université de Fribourg

The PAM1 gene of petunia, required for intracellular accommodation and morphogenesis of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, encodes a homologue of VAPYRIN

Feddermann, Nadja ; Duvvuru Muni, Rajasekhara Reddy ; Zeier, Tatyana ; Stuurman, Jeroen ; Ercolin, Flavia ; Schorderet, Martine ; Reinhardt, Didier

In: The Plant Journal, 2011, vol. 64, no. 3, p. 470–481

Most terrestrial plants engage into arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) symbiosis with fungi of the phylum Glomeromycota. The initial recognition of the fungal symbiont results in the activation of a symbiosis signalling pathway that is shared with the root nodule symbiosis (common SYM pathway). The subsequent intracellular accommodation of the fungus, and the elaboration of its characteristic feeding...