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Consortium of Swiss Academic Libraries

Eliciting Beliefs in Continuous-Choice Games: a Double Auction Experiment

Neri, Claudia

In: Experimental Economics, 2015, vol. 18, no. 4, p. 569-608

Université de Fribourg

Cooperation and Mistrust in Relational Contracts

Herz, Holger ; Schmutzler, Armin ; Volk, André

In: Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2019, vol. 166, p. 366-380

Work and trade relationships are often governed by relational contracts, in which incentives for cooperative action today stem from the prospective future benefits of the relationship. In this paper, we study how a lack of hard information about the costs of providing quality, and therefore about the financial consequences of actions, affects relational contracts in buyer-seller...

Université de Fribourg

Combining experimental evidence with machine learning to assess anti-corruption educational campaigns among Russian university students

Denisova-Schmidt, Elena ; Huber, Martin ; Leontyeva, Elvira ; Solovyeva, Anna

In: Empirical Economics, 2020, p. 1-24

This paper examines how anti-corruption educational campaigns affect the attitudes of Russian university students toward corruption and academic integrity in the short run. About 2000 survey participants were randomly assigned to one of four different information materials (brochures or videos) about the negative consequences of corruption or to a control group. While we do not find important...

Consortium of Swiss Academic Libraries

Experimental Cournot oligopoly and inequity aversion

İriş, Doruk ; Santos-Pinto, Luís

In: Theory and Decision, 2014, vol. 76, no. 1, p. 31-45

Université de Fribourg

The effects of anti-corruption videos on attitudes towards corruption in a Ukrainian online survey

Denisova-Schmidt, Elena ; Huber, Martin ; Prytula, Yaroslav

(Working Papers SES ; 499)

This paper presents the outcomes of an anti-corruption educational intervention among Ukrainian students based on an online experiment. More than 3,000 survey participants were randomly assigned to one of three different videos on corruption and its consequences (treatment groups) or a video on higher education (control group). The data suggest a high level of academic dishonesty and...

Université de Fribourg

Combining experimental evidence with machine learning to assess anti-corruption educational campaigns among Russian university students

Denisova-Schmidt, Elena ; Huber, Martin ; Leontyeva, Elvira ; Solovyeva, Anna

(Working Papers SES ; 487)

This paper examines how anti-corruption educational campaigns affect the attitudes of Russian university students towards corruption and academic integrity. About 2,000 survey participants were randomly assigned to one of four different information materials (brochures or videos) about the negative consequences of corruption or to a control group. Using machine learning to detect effect...