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Consortium of Swiss Academic Libraries

Marble impaction in the nasopharynx following oral ingestion

Oysu, Cagatay ; Yilmaz, H. ; Sahin, A. ; Külekçi, Mehmet

In: European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, 2003, vol. 260, no. 9, p. 522-523

Consortium of Swiss Academic Libraries

The role of the CO2 laser in the management of laryngotracheal stenosis: a survey of 100 cases

Monnier, Philippe ; George, Mercy ; Monod, Marie-Laure ; Lang, Florian

In: European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology and Head & Neck, 2005, vol. 262, no. 8, p. 602-608