Université de Fribourg

Corporate Social Responsibility Communication : A Multi-method Approach on Stakeholder Expectations and Managers’ Intentions

Ingenhoff, Diana ; Sommer, Katharina

In: Journal of Corporate Citizenship, 2011, no. 42, p. 73-91

Organisations need to legitimise their behaviour in order to be accepted and supported by society. This study analyses the different perspectives on corporate social responsibility (CSR) in a multi-method approach. First, a content analysis of the companies’ annual and CSR reports and qualitative interviews with the communications executives analyses the social engagement that is...

Università della Svizzera italiana

Microfinanza e microcredito : Definizioni ed analisi di sviluppo in ambiente teorico quantico della produzione. Scenari italiani e prospettive possibili = Microfinance and microcredit : Definitions and analyses of development in the theoretical areas of quantum production. Scenarios and possible prospects in Italy

Desogus, Marco ; Cencini, Alvaro (Dir.)

Thèse de doctorat : Università della Svizzera italiana, 2013 ; 2013ECO010.

After an essential, introductory examination of the phenomenon of microfinance (and microcredit in particular) it is necessary to approach the latent challenges concerning possible evolution and new prospects. These clearly need to be based on an advanced socio-economic system with the function of surpassing the current models (which are capitalist and neoliberalist) as well as on a renewed...

Università della Svizzera italiana

Consumer boycotts in Switzerland 1994-2004 : typologies and strategies

Illia, Laura ; Lurati, Francesco ; Previatello, Serena

This paper suggests that consumer boycotts target irresponsible behaviors of corporations toward consumer, political, and social issues. After identifying the characteristics of consumer boycotts’ best practices, the paper documents the results of a field study conducted on consumer boycotts in Switzerland. Results reveal its peculiarities compared to the reality in the United States, where...

Università della Svizzera italiana

Communicating CSR : the practice in the top 300 companies in Switzerland

Birth, Gregory ; Illia, Laura ; Lurati, Francesco ; Zamparini, Alessandra

This paper documents the empirical results of a field study conducted among top Swiss companies. The survey investigates their practices in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) communication as well as their opinions about how favorable the Swiss context is for this kind of communication. Results show CSR communication in Switzerland as a practice in evolution, still needing expertise. In this...