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Consortium of Swiss Academic Libraries

"Jnking” atherosclerosis

Sumara, G. ; Belwal, M. ; Ricci, R.

In: Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences CMLS, 2005, vol. 62, no. 21, p. 2487-2494

Consortium of Swiss Academic Libraries

Cell cycle regulation by the B-Myb transcription factor

Joaquin, M. ; Watson, R.

In: Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences CMLS, 2003, vol. 60, no. 11, p. 2389-2401

Université de Fribourg

Phospho-proteomic analyses of B-Raf protein complexes reveal new regulatory principles

Eisenhardt, Anja E. ; Sprenger, Adrian ; Röring, Michael ; Herr, Ricarda ; Weinberg, Florian ; Köhler, Martin ; Braun, Sandra ; Orth, Joachim ; Diedrich, Britta ; Lanner, Ulrike ; Tscherwinski, Natalja ; Schuster, Simon ; Dumaz, Nicolas ; Schmidt, Enrico ; Baumeister, Ralf ; Schlosser, Andreas ; Dengjel, Jörn ; Brummer, Tilman

In: Oncotarget, 2016, vol. 7, no. 18, p. 26628–26652

B-Raf represents a critical physiological regulator of the Ras/RAF/MEK/ERK-pathway and a pharmacological target of growing clinical relevance, in particular in oncology. To understand how B-Raf itself is regulated, we combined mass spectrometry with genetic approaches to map its interactome in MCF-10A cells as well as in B-Raf deficient murine embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) and B-Raf/Raf-1...

Université de Fribourg

Epigenetic and posttranslational modifications in light signal transduction and the circadian clock in Neurospora crassa

Proietto, Marco ; Bianchi, Michele Maria ; Ballario, Paola ; Brenna, Andrea

In: International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2015, vol. 16, no. 7, p. 15347–15383

Blue light, a key abiotic signal, regulates a wide variety of physiological processes in many organisms. One of these phenomena is the circadian rhythm presents in organisms sensitive to the phase-setting effects of blue light and under control of the daily alternation of light and dark. Circadian clocks consist of autoregulatory alternating negative and positive feedback loops intimately...