Université de Fribourg

High energy resolution off-resonant spectroscopy: A review

B³achucki, Wojciech ; Hoszowska, Joanna ; Dousse, Jean-Claude ; Kayser, Yves ; Stachura, Regina ; Tyra³a, Krzysztof ; Wojtaszek, Klaudia ; Sá, Jacinto ; Szlachetko, Jakub

In: Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy, 2017, vol. 136, p. 23–33

We review the high energy resolution off-resonant spectroscopy (HEROS) technique. HEROS probes the unoccupied electronic states of matter in a single-shot manner thanks to the combination of off-resonant excitation around atomic core states using wavelength dispersive X-ray detection setups. In this review we provide a general introduction to the field of X-ray spectroscopy together with the...