Université de Fribourg

Late Jurassic theropod dinosaur bones from the Langenberg Quarry (Lower Saxony, Germany) provide evidence for several theropod lineages in the central European archipelago

Evers, Serjoscha W. ; Wings, Oliver

In: PeerJ, 2020, vol. 8, p. e8437

Marine limestones and marls in the Langenberg Quarry provide unique insights into a Late Jurassic island ecosystem in central Europe. The beds yield a varied assemblage of terrestrial vertebrates including extremely rare bones of theropod from theropod dinosaurs, which we describe here for the first time. All of the theropod bones belong to relatively small individuals but represent a wide...

Bibliothèque cantonale jurassienne

No gastric mill in sauropod dinosaurs : new evidence from analysis of gastrolith mass and fonction in ostriches

Wings, Oliver ; Sander, Martin

In: Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences, 2007, vol. 274, p. 635

Bibliothèque cantonale jurassienne

Authigenic minerals in fossil bones from the Mesozoic of England : poor correlation with depositional environments

Wings, Oliver

In: Palaeogeography, palaeoclimatology, palaeoecology : an international journal for the geo-sciences, 2004, vol. 204, p. 15

Bibliothèque cantonale jurassienne

Ein Hartgrund als neuer Aspekt bei der Interpretation der untertithonischen Solnhofener Plattenkalke

Wings, Oliver

In: Archaeopteryx : Jahreszeitschrift der Freunde des Jura-Museums in Eichstätt, 2000, vol. 18, p. 75