Consortium of Swiss Academic Libraries

An Invariance Principle to Ferrari-Spohn Diffusions

Ioffe, Dmitry ; Shlosman, Senya ; Velenik, Yvan

In: Communications in Mathematical Physics, 2015, vol. 336, no. 2, p. 905-932

Consortium of Swiss Academic Libraries

Upper Bound on the Decay of Correlations in a General Class of O ( N )-Symmetric Models

Gagnebin, Maxime ; Velenik, Yvan

In: Communications in Mathematical Physics, 2014, vol. 332, no. 3, p. 1235-1255

Consortium of Swiss Academic Libraries

Erratum to: Self-Attractive Random Walks: The Case of Critical Drifts

Ioffe, Dmitry ; Velenik, Yvan

In: Communications in Mathematical Physics, 2013, vol. 323, no. 1, p. 449-450

Consortium of Swiss Academic Libraries

A finite-volume version of Aizenman-Higuchi theorem for the 2d Ising model

Coquille, Loren ; Velenik, Yvan

In: Probability Theory and Related Fields, 2012, vol. 153, no. 1-2, p. 25-44

Consortium of Swiss Academic Libraries

Wetting of gradient fields: pathwise estimates

Velenik, Yvan

In: Probability Theory and Related Fields, 2009, vol. 143, no. 3-4, p. 379-399