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    Université de Fribourg

    Saturated fatty acids induce c-Src clustering within membrane subdomains, leading to JNK activation

    Holzer, Ryan G. ; Park, Eek-Joong ; Li, Ning ; Tran, Helen ; Chen, Monica ; Choi, Crystal ; Solinas, Giovanni ; Karin, Michael

    In: Cell, 2011, vol. 147, no. 1, p. 173–184

    Saturated fatty acids (FA) exert adverse health effects and are more likely to cause insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes than unsaturated FA, some of which exert protective and beneficial effects. Saturated FA, but not unsaturated FA, activate Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK), which has been linked to obesity and insulin resistance in mice and humans. However, it is unknown how saturated and...