Université de Fribourg

The Upper Aptian to Lower Albian syn-rift carbonate succession of the southern Maestrat Basin (Spain): Facies architecture and fault-controlled stratabound dolostones

Martín-Martín, J.D. ; Gomez-Rivas, E. ; Bover-Arnal, Telm ; Travé, A. ; Salas, R. ; Moreno-Bedmar, J.A. ; Tomás, Sara ; Corbella, M. ; Teixell, A. ; Vergés, J. ; Stafford, S.L.

In: Cretaceous Research, 2013, vol. 41, p. 217-236

Syn-rift shallow-marine carbonates of Late Aptian to Early Albian age in the southern Maestrat Basin (E Spain) register the thickest Aptian sedimentary record of the basin, and one of the most complete carbonate successions of this age reported in the northern Tethyan margin. The host limestones (Benassal Formation) are partially replaced by dolostones providing a new case study of...

Université de Fribourg

From platform to basin to swell: orbital control on sedimentary sequences in the Oxfordian, Spain

Strasser, André ; Aurell, Marc ; Bádenas, Beatriz ; Meléndez, Guillermo ; Tomás, Sara

In: Terra Nova, 2005, vol. 17(5), p. 407

Climatic, oceanographic and ecological changes that control the formation and deposition of sediment in shallow and deep depositional environments commonly occur with periodicities of a few 10 000 years. Consequently, in order to interpret sedimentary sequences in the geological past, high time resolution is required. This is best obtained by cyclostratigraphy. Three sections have been studied in...