Université de Fribourg

Grapevine trunk diseases: complex and still poorly understood

Bertsch, C. ; Ramírez-Suero, M. ; Magnin-Robert, M. ; Larignon, Philippe ; Chong, J. ; Abou-Mansour, Eliane ; Spagnolo, A. ; Clément, C. ; Fontaine, F.

In: Plant Pathology, 2013, vol. 62, no. 2, p. 243–265

This review presents an overview of eutypa dieback, esca and botryosphaeria dieback, the predominant grapevine trunk diseases worldwide. It covers their symptomatologies in the trunk, leaves and berries; the characteristics of the different fungal species associated with them; and host–pathogen interactions. Here, the host–pathogen relationship is defined at the cytological, physiological and...