Université de Fribourg

Enhancing scientific communication skills: a real-world simulation in a tertiary-level life science class using e-learning technology in biomedical literature perception, reflective review writing on a clinical issue, and self and peer assessments

Eppler, Elisabeth ; Meyer, Jan ; Serowy, Steffen ; Link, Karl ; Pauk, Barbara ; Filgueira, Luis

In: Research in Science Education, 2018, p. -

This educational study aimed to explore the feasibility and acceptance of a literacy exercise adopted from the realworld of scientific publishing in a cell and tissue biology course. For that purpose, a tertiary-level multimodality science course, which integrated a blended learning faculty and student lectures, journal club, and wet laboratory sessions including a research project as well as...

Université de Fribourg

Experience from an optional dissection course in a clinically‐orientated concept to complement system‐based anatomy in a reformed curriculum

Eppler, Elisabeth ; Serowy, Steffen ; Link, Karl ; Filgueira, Luis

In: Anatomical Sciences Education, 2018, vol. 11, no. 1, p. 32–43

Profound anatomical knowledge is the basis for modern demands in medicine and surgery, but many countries worldwide including Australia and New Zealand have discontinued offering dissection courses to medical and dental students during the past decades. This educational project done in Australia aimed at enhancing basic and advanced anatomy teaching by engaging a sub-group of second-year ...