Université de Fribourg

Estimation of snowfall limit for the Kashmir Valley, Indian Himalayas, with TRMM PR Bright Band information

Schauwecker, S. ; Rohrer, M. ; Schwarb, M. ; Huggel,, C. ; Dimri, A.P. ; Salzmann, Nadine

In: Meteorologische Zeitschrift, 2016, p. 501–509

Knowing the height of the snowfall limit during precipitation events is crucial for better understanding a number of hydro-climatic processes, for instance glacier-climate interactions or runoff from high mountain catchments. However, knowledge on heights of the phase change during precipitation events is limited by the small number of meteorological measurements available at high altitudes,...

Université de Fribourg

Climate trends and glacier retreat in the Cordillera Blanca, Peru, revisited

Schauwecker, S. ; Rohrer, M. ; Acuña, D. ; Cochachin, A. ; Dávila, L. ; Frey, H. ; Giráldez, C. ; Gómez, J. ; Huggel, C. ; Jacques-Coper, M. ; Loarte, E. ; Salzmann, Nadine ; Vuille, M.

In: Global and Planetary Change, 2014, vol. 119, p. 85–97

The total glacial area of the Cordillera Blanca, Peru, has shrunk by more than 30% in the period of 1930 to the present with a marked glacier retreat also in the recent decades. The aim of this paper is to assess local air temperature and precipitation changes in the Cordillera Blanca and to discuss how these variables could have affected the observed glacier retreat between the 1980s and...