Université de Fribourg

Modeling nanoparticle–alveolar epithelial cell interactions under breathing conditions using captive bubble surfactometry

Schürch, David ; Vanhecke, Dimitri ; Clift, Martin J. D. ; Raemy, David ; Aberasturi, Dorleta Jimenez de ; Parak, Wolfgang J. ; Gehr, Peter ; Petri-Fink, Alke ; Rothen-Rutishauser, Barbara

In: Langmuir, 2014, vol. 30, no. 17, p. 4924–4932

Many advances have been made in recent years in cell culture models of the epithelial barrier of the lung from simple monolayers to complex 3-D systems employing different cell types. However, the vast majority of these models still present a static air–liquid interface which is unrealistic given the dynamic nature of breathing. We present here a method where epithelial lung cells are...