Université de Fribourg

Assessment of the effect of continuous theta burst stimulation of the motor cortex on manual dexterity in non-human primates in a direct comparison with invasive intracortical pharmacological inactivation

Roux, Camille ; Kaeser, Mélanie ; Savidan, Julie ; Fregosi, Michela ; Rouiller, Eric M. ; Schmidlin, Eric

In: European Journal of Neuroscience, 2019, p. -

Non-invasive reversible perturbation techniques of brain output such as continuous theta burst stimulation (cTBS), commonly used to modulate cortical excitability in humans, allow investigation of possible roles in functional recovery played by distinct intact cortical areas following stroke. To evaluate the potential of cTBS, the behavioural effects of this non-invasive transient...

Université de Fribourg

Birth and death of a phantom

Dieguez, Sebastian ; Kaeser, Mélanie ; Roux, Camille ; Cottet, Jérôme ; Annoni, Jean-Marie ; Schmidlin, Eric

In: Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology, 2018, vol. 5, no. 1, p. 98–101

Patients with supernumerary phantom limb report experiencing an additional limb duplicating its physical counterpart, usually following a stroke with sensorimotor disturbances. Here, we report a short-lasting case of a right upper supernumerary phantom limb with unusual visuomotor features in a healthy participant during a pure Jacksonian motor seizure unexpectedly induced by continuous...