Université de Fribourg

El estado de la macroeconomía = The State of Macroeconomics

Rochon, Louis-Philippe ; Rossi, Sergio

In: Ola Financiera, 2018, vol. 11, no. 31, p. 100-127

Este ensayo examina de cerca esta llamada "guerra civil", y si conlleva a alguna consecuencia para el desarrollo futuro de la macroeconomía, o si es solo una tormenta de microfundamentos en una tetera. Al hacerlo, se argumenta que si bien la crítica disidente es ciertamente bienvenida desde una perspectiva poskeynesiana, no equivale al rechazo del pensamiento o modelos actuales, sino a...

Université de Fribourg

The Relationship Between Inflation and Unemployment : a Critique of Friedman and Phelps

Rochon, Louis-Philippe ; Rossi, Sergio

In: Review of Keynesian Economics, 2018, vol. 6, no. 4, p. 533-544

The ‘natural rate of unemployment’ was not an important part of Friedman’s presidential address, although it is what the paper is remembered for. On the 50th anniversary of the paper, we argue that there is no ‘natural rate of unemployment’, and that the relation between inflation and unemployment is not the one assumed by Friedman or neoclassical theory. In Section 2 we present the...