Université de Fribourg

Test of Lorentz invariance with spin precession of ultracold neutrons

Altarev, I. ; Baker, C. A. ; Ban, G. ; Bison, Georg ; Bodek, K. ; Daum, M. ; Fierlinger, P. ; Geltenbort, P. ; Green, K. ; Grinten, M. G. D. van der ; Gutsmiedl, E. ; Harris, P. G. ; Heil, W. ; Henneck, R. ; Horras, M. ; Iaydjiev, P. ; Ivanov, S. N. ; Khomutov, N. ; Kirch, K. ; Kistryn, S. ; Knecht, A. ; Knowles, Paul E. ; Kozela, A. ; Kuchler, F. ; Kuźniak, M. ; Lauer, T. ; Lauss, B. ; Lefort, T. ; Mtchedlishvili, A. ; Naviliat-Cuncic, O. ; Pazgalev, Anatoly ; Pendlebury, J. M. ; Petzoldt, G. ; Pierre, E. ; Pignol, G. ; Quéméner, G. ; Rebetez, Martin ; Rebreyend, D. ; Roccia, S. ; Rogel, G. ; Severijns, N. ; Shiers, D. ; Sobolev, Yu. ; Weis, Antoine ; Zejma, J. ; Zsigmond, G.

In: Physical Review Letters, 2009, vol. 103, no. 8, p. 081602

A clock comparison experiment, analyzing the ratio of spin precession frequencies of stored ultracold neutrons and ¹⁹⁹Hg atoms, is reported. No daily variation of this ratio could be found, from which is set an upper limit on the Lorentz invariance violating cosmic anisotropy field b⊥<2×10⁻²⁰ eV (95% C.L.). This is the first limit for the free neutron. This result...

Université de Fribourg

Towards a new measurement of the neutron electric dipole moment

Ban, G. ; Bodek, K. ; Daum, M. ; Henneck, R. ; Heule, S. ; Kasprzak, M. ; Khomytov, N. ; Kirch, K. ; Knecht, A. ; Kistryn, S. ; Knowles, Paul E. ; Kuzniak, M. ; Lefort, T. ; Naviliat-Cuncic, O. ; Pichlmaier, A. ; Plonka, C. ; Quéméner, G. ; Rebetez, Martin ; Rebreyend, D. ; Rogel, G. ; Sabirov, B. M. ; Tur, M. ; Weis, Antoine ; Zejma, J.

In: Hyperfine Interactions, 2006, vol. 172, no. 1-3, p. 41-43

Precision measurements of particle electric dipole moments (EDMs) provide extremely sensitive means to search for non-standard mechanisms of T (or CP) violation. For the neutron EDM, the upper limit has been reduced by eight orders of magnitude in 50 years thereby excluding several CP violation scenarios. We report here on a new effort aiming at improving the neutron EDM limit by two orders of...

Université de Fribourg

Experimental study of laser-detected magnetic resonance based on atomic alignment

Di Domenico, Gianni ; Bison, Georg ; Groeger, Stephan ; Knowles, Paul E. ; Pazgalev, Anatoly S. ; Rebetez, Martin ; Saudan, Hervé ; Weis, Antoine

In: Physical Review A, 2006, vol. 74, no. 6, p. 063415

We present an experimental study of the spectra produced by optical–radio-frequency double resonance in which resonant linearly polarized laser light is used in the optical pumping and detection processes. We show that the experimental spectra obtained for cesium are in excellent agreement with a very general theoretical model developed in our group [Weis, Bison, and Pazgalev, Phys. Rev. A 74,...

Université de Fribourg

Direct experimental limit on Neutron–Mirror-Neutron oscillations

Ban, G. ; Bodek, K. ; Daum, M. ; Henneck, R. ; Heule, S. ; Kasprzak, M. ; Khomutov, N. ; Kirch, K. ; Kistryn, S. ; Knecht, A. ; Knowles, Paul E. ; Kuźniak, M. ; Lefort, T. ; Mtchedlishvili, A. ; Naviliat-Cuncic, O. ; Plonka, C. ; Quéméner, G. ; Rebetez, Martin ; Rebreyend, D. ; Roccia, S. ; Rogel, G. ; Tur, M. ; Weis, Antoine ; Zejma, J. ; Zsigmond, G.

In: Physical Review Letters, 2007, vol. 99, no. 16, p. 161603

In case a mirror world with a copy of our ordinary particle spectrum would exist, the neutron n and its degenerate partner, the mirror neutron n′, could potentially mix and undergo nn′ oscillations. The interaction of an ordinary magnetic field with the ordinary neutron would lift the degeneracy between the mirror partners, diminish the...