Université de Fribourg

Hook length of the bacterial flagellum is optimized for maximal stability of the flagellar bundle

Spöring, Imke ; Martinez, Vincent A. ; Hotz, Christian ; Schwarz-Linek, Jana ; Grady, Keara L. ; Nava-Sedeño, Josué M. ; Vissers, Teun ; Singer, Hanna M. ; Rohde, Manfred ; Bourquin, Carole ; Hatzikirou, Haralampos ; Poon, Wilson C. K. ; Dufour, Yann S. ; Erhardt, Marc

In: PLOS Biology, 2018, vol. 16, no. 9, p. e2006989

Most bacteria swim in liquid environments by rotating one or several flagella. The long external filament of the flagellum is connected to a membrane-embedded basal body by a flexible universal joint, the hook, which allows the transmission of motor torque to the filament. The length of the hook is controlled on a nanometer scale by a sophisticated molecular ruler mechanism. However, why its...

Université de Fribourg

Equilibrium cluster formation in concentrated protein solutions and colloids

Stradner, Anna ; Sedgwick, Helen ; Cardinaux, Frédéric ; Poon, Wilson C. K. ; Egelhaaf, Stefan U. ; Schurtenberger, Peter

In: Nature, 2004, vol. 432, p. 492-495

Controlling interparticle interactions, aggregation and cluster formation is of central importance in a number of areas, ranging from cluster formation in various disease processes to protein crystallography and the production of photonic crystals. Recent developments in the description of the interaction of colloidal particles with short-range attractive potentials have led to interesting...