Université de Fribourg

Coupled Cu and Mn charge and orbital orders in YBa₂Cu₃O₇/Nd 0.65 (Ca 1-y Sr y ) 0.35 MnO₃ multilayers

Perret, Edith ; Monney, Claude ; Johnston, S. ; Khmaladze, Jarji ; Lyzwa, Fryderyk ; Gaina, Roxana ; Dantz, M. ; Pelliciari, Jonathan ; Piamonteze, C. ; Mallett, B.P.P. ; Minola, M. ; Keimer, B. ; Schmitt, Thorsten ; Bernhard, Christian

In: Communications Physics, 2018, vol. 1, no. 1, p. 45

The observation of a charge density wave in the underdoped cuprate high Tc superconductors (Cu-CDW) raised a debate about its relationship with superconductivity. In bulk YBa2Cu3O7−δ the Cu-CDW is incipient and mainly pinned by defects. Nevertheless, a large magnetic field can induce a true long-range Cu- CDW order as it suppresses superconductivity. An enhanced Cu-CDW order was also ...

Université de Fribourg

Magnetic properties of strained multiferroic $\mathrm{CoC}{\mathrm{r}}_{2}{\mathrm{O}}_{4}$: A soft x-ray study

Windsor, Y. W. ; Piamonteze, C. ; Ramakrishnan, M. ; Scaramucci, A. ; Rettig, L. ; Huever, J. A. ; Bothschafter, E. M. ; Bingham, N. S. ; Alberca, Aurora ; Avula, S. R. V. ; Noheda, B. ; Staub, U.

In: Physical Review B, 2017, vol. 95, no. 22, p. 224413

Using resonant soft x-ray techniques we follow the magnetic behavior of a strained epitaxial film of CoCr2O4, a type-II multiferroic. The film is [110] oriented, such that both the ferroelectric and ferromagnetic moments can coexist in-plane. X-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD) is used in scattering and in transmission modes to probe the magnetization of Co and Cr separately. The...

Université de Fribourg

X-ray absorption study of the ferromagnetic Cu moment at the ${\mathrm{YBa}}_{2}{\mathrm{Cu}}_{3}{\mathrm{O}}_{7}/{\mathrm{La}}_{2/3}{\mathrm{Ca}}_{1/3}{\mathrm{MnO}}_{3}$ interface and variation of its exchange interaction with the Mn moment

Sen, Kaushik ; Perret, Edith ; Alberca, Aurora ; Uribe-Laverde, Miguel Angel ; Marozau, Ivan ; Yazdi-Rizi, M. ; Mallett, Benjamin P. P. ; Maršík, Premysl ; Piamonteze, C. ; Khaydukov, Yu N. ; Döbeli, Max ; Keller, T. ; Biškup, N. ; Varela, M. ; Vašátko, J. ; Munzar, Dominik ; Bernhard, Christian

In: Physical Review B, 2016, vol. 93, no. 20, p. 205131

With x-ray absorption spectroscopy and polarized neutron reflectometry we studied how the magnetic proximity effect at the interface between the cuprate high-TC superconductor YBa2Cu3O7 (YBCO) and the ferromagnet La2/3Ca1/3MnO3 (LCMO) is related to the electronic and magnetic properties of the LCMO layers. In particular, we explored how the magnitude of the ferromagnetic Cu moment on the YBCO...

Université de Fribourg

X-ray absorption spectroscopy study of the electronic and magnetic proximity effects in ${\mathrm{YBa}}_{2}{\mathrm{Cu}}_{3}{\mathrm{O}}_{7}/{\mathrm{La}}_{2/3}{\mathrm{Ca}}_{1/3}{\mathrm{MnO}}_{3}$ and ${\mathrm{La}}_{2$-${}x}{\mathrm{Sr}}_{x}{\mathrm{CuO}}_{4}/{\mathrm{La}}_{2/3}{\mathrm{Ca}}_{1/3}{\mathrm{MnO}}_{3}$ multilayers

Uribe-Laverde, Miguel Angel ; Das, Saikat ; Sen, Kaushik ; Marozau, Ivan ; Perret, E. ; Alberca, A. ; Heidler, J. ; Piamonteze, C. ; Merz, M. ; Nagel, P. ; Schuppler, S. ; Munzar, Dominik ; Bernhard, Christian

In: Physical Review B, 2014, vol. 90, no. 20, p. 205135

With x-ray absorption spectroscopy we investigated the orbital reconstruction and the induced ferromagnetic moment of the interfacial Cu atoms in YBa2Cu3O7/La2/3Ca1/3MnO3 (YBCO/LCMO) and La2−xSrxCuO4/La2/3Ca1/3MnO3 (LSCO/LCMO) multilayers. We demonstrate that these electronic and magnetic proximity effects are coupled and are common to these cuprate/manganite multilayers. Moreover, we show that...