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Parola chiave

    Université de Fribourg

    Bub1, Sgo1 and Mps1 mediate a distinct pathway for chromosome bi-orientation in budding yeast

    Storchová, Zuzana ; Becker, Justin ; Talarek, Nicolas ; Kögelsberger, Sandra ; Pellman, David

    In: Molecular Biology of the Cell, 2011, p. -

    The conserved mitotic kinase Bub1 performs multiple functions that are only partially characterized. Besides its role in the spindle assembly checkpoint and chromosome alignment, Bub1 is crucial for the kinetochore recruitment of multiple proteins, among them Sgo1. Both Bub1 and Sgo1 are dispensable for growth of haploid and diploid budding yeast, but they become essential in cells with higher...