Université de Fribourg

PI3Kγ activity in leukocytes promotes adipose tissue inflammation and early-onset insulin resistance during obesity

Breasson, Ludovic ; Becattini, Barbara ; Sardi, Claudia ; Molinaro, Angela ; Zani, Fabio ; Marone, Romina ; Botindari, Fabrizio ; Bousquenaud, Mélanie ; Rüegg, Curzio ; Wymann, Matthias P. ; Solinas, Giovanni

In: Science Signaling, 2017, vol. 10, no. 488, p. eaaf2969

The phosphoinositide 3-kinase γ (PI3Kγ) plays a major role in leukocyte recruitment during acute inflammation and has been proposed to inhibit classical macrophage activation by driving immunosuppressive gene expression. PI3Kγ plays an important role in diet-induced obesity and insulin resistance. In seeking to determine the underlying molecular mechanisms, we showed that PI3Kγ action in...