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    Université de Fribourg

    Light induced inverse-square law interactions between nanoparticles: “mock gravity” at the nanoscale

    Luis-Hita, J. ; Marqués, M. I. ; Delgado-Buscalioni, R. ; Sousa, N. de ; Froufe-Pérez, Luis S. ; Scheffold, Frank ; Sáenz, J. J.

    In: Physical Review Letters, 2019, vol. 123, no. 14, p. 143201

    The interaction forces between identical resonant molecules or nanoparticles, optically induced by a quasimonochromatic isotropic random light field, are theoretically analyzed. In general, the interaction force exhibits a far-field oscillatory behavior at separation distances larger than the light wavelength. However, we show that the oscillations disappear when the frequency of the random...