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Parola chiave

    Université de Fribourg

    Transcriptome responses to aluminum stress in roots of aspen (Populus tremula)

    Grisel, Nadine ; Zoller, Stefan ; Künzli-Gontarczyk, Marzanna ; Lampart, Thomas ; Münsterkötter, Martin ; Brunner, Ivano ; Bovet, Lucien ; Métraux, Jean-Pierre ; Sperisen, Christoph

    In: BMC Plant Biology, 2010, vol. 10, p. 185

    Background: Ionic aluminum (mainly Al3+) is rhizotoxic and can be present in acid soils at concentrations high enough to inhibit root growth. Many forest tree species grow naturally in acid soils and often tolerate high concentrations of Al. Previously, we have shown that aspen (Populus tremula) releases citrate and oxalate from roots in response to Al exposure. To obtain further insights into...