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Université de Fribourg

Explaining the variation in impacts of non-native plants on local-scale species richness: the role of phylogenetic relatedness

Vilà, Montserrat ; Rohr, Rudolf P. ; Espinar, José L. ; Hulme, Philip E. ; Pergl, Jan ; Roux, Johannes J. Le ; Schaffner, Urs ; Pyšek, Petr

In: Global Ecology and Biogeography, 2014, p. -

Aim: To assess how the magnitude of impacts of non-native plants on species richness of resident plants and animals varies in relation to the traits and phylogenetic position of the non-native as well as characteristics of the invaded site.Location: Global.Methods: Meta-analysis and phylogenetic regressions based on 216 studies were used to examine the effects of 96 non-native plant species on...