Conseil œcuménique des Églises

Christians in fellowship at different tables? : The Eucharist : a crucial issue in the ecumenical discourse

Heller, Dagmar

This article gives en overview on the lines of separation between the major Christian traditions and how these are linked with the question of Eucharistic fellowship. It further explains the multilateral ecumenical discussion on the issue of the Eucharist as they have been going on in the Commission on Faith and Order of the World Council of Churches. The author shows, that it is the task of the...

Conseil œcuménique des Églises

Baptism into the body of Christ : an exploration of its ecumenical implications

Heller, Dagmar

This article takes its starting point from the fact, that among the churches the often quoted notion of “baptism as bond of unity” is still questioned. Especially from those churches which practice believers’ baptism there are doubts, whether we can talk about one baptism. And from the Orthodox churches this notion is questioned, because their requirements for unity are going beyond just...

Conseil œcuménique des Églises

Wozu Ökumene? : Gedanken zur Zielbestimmung der Ökumene

Heller, Dagmar

In: Ekklesia – Oikoumene – Politiki, Festschrift für Metropolit Damaskinos Papandreou, Athen, 2007, p. 257-270