Université de Fribourg

The epidermis-specific extracellular BODYGUARD controls cuticle development and morphogenesis in Arabidopsis

Kurdyukov, Sergey ; Faust, Andrea ; Nawrath, Christiane ; Bär, Sascha ; Voisin, Derry ; Efremova, Nadia ; Franke, Rochus ; Schreiber, Lukas ; Saedler, Heinz ; Métraux, Jean-Pierre ; Yephremov, Alexander

In: The Plant Cell, 2006, vol. 18, p. 321

The outermost epidermal cell wall is specialized to withstand pathogens and natural stresses, and lipid-based cuticular polymers are the major barrier against incursions. The Arabidopsis thaliana mutant bodyguard (bdg), which exhibits defects characteristic of the loss of cuticle structure not attributable to a lack of typical cutin monomers, unexpectedly accumulates...