Université de Fribourg

Distinct roles of DBHS family members in the circadian transcriptional feedback loop

Kowalska, Elzbieta ; Ripperger, Jürgen A. ; Muheim, Christine ; Maier, Bert ; Kurihara, Yasuyuki ; Fox, Archa H. ; Kramer, Achim ; Brown, Steven A.

In: Molecular and Cellular Biology, 2012, p. -

Factors interacting with core circadian clock components are essential to achieve transcriptional feedback necessary for metazoan clocks. Here we show that all three members of the Drosophila Behavior Human Splicing (DBHS) family of RNA-binding proteins play a role in the mammalian circadian oscillator, abrogating or altering clock function when overexpressed or depleted in cells. Although these...